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ENGL 198 B: Interdisciplinary Writing/Social Science

Meeting Time: 
MWF 2:30pm - 3:20pm
SAV 136
Arna Elezovic's profile picture
Arna Elezovic

Syllabus Description:


Christian women writers-2.jpg


Meeting times:  Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 230 - 320 p.m. in Savery 136

ENGL 198 will be an interactive class with a variety of writing assignments and exercises, including learning the different ways to read, to take notes, and how to edit your own work. ENGL 198 is linked to a history lecture class, Dr. Charity Urbanski’s HSTAM 112: The Medieval World. Although we will analyze the readings and use very similar essay prompts from the Medieval World class, our focus in ENGL 198 will be on the mechanics and practice of writing. ENGL 198 will be much like a workshop where you learn to write or learn to improve your own writing by writing. And you will likely have opportunity to write either research or a historical fiction essay based on your own interests.

The instructor, Arna Elezovic, is a PhD candidate in the UW History Department. She has taught ENGL 198 A, her own history course HSTCMP 290 (on Indiana Jones and archaeology in the Mediterranean world), and TA'd for Dr. Urbanski multiple times. Email Arna at with any questions about the course.    


Full description of the course


Syllabus for ENGL 198 -B - Jan. 6, 2019.docx

Syllabus for Essay 2 Sequence with class feedback - Feb. 20, 2019.docx

Both the syllabus and the course website are subject to change at the instructor’s discretion, but major revisions will always be posted on course website and announced in class.


Catalog Description: 
Expository writing based on material presented in a specified social science lecture course. Assignments include drafts of papers to be submitted in the specified course, and other pieces of analytic prose. Concurrent registration in specified course required.
GE Requirements: 
English Composition (C)
Writing (W)
Last updated: 
August 2, 2019 - 10:00pm