McCourt, Amanda. Futurist Folklore and Materialist Magic: New Wave Science Fiction in American Counterculture. 2024. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
20th Century, Affect, American, Culture, Genre Theory, Science Fiction |
Sobers, Janine H. Enchanted Modernisms: Global Literary Afterlives of the Spirit, 1922–1949. 2023. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
20th Century, Culture, Literature, Modernism, Queer Studies, Race and Ethnicity, Sexuality, Transnational |
Bartley, Nancy L. Blind Bliss and the Reality of Others: How Consensually Validated Groups Contribute to the Development of Fascism. 2022. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
20th Century, Anthropology, Culture, Nationalism, Political Science |
Heberling, Lydia M. California Indians Dreamin': Formal and Aesthetic Innovations in Pacific Coast Native Literatures and Arts. 2021. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
20th Century, 21st Century, Culture, Decolonial, Indigenous, Literature, Space/Place |
Concannon, Joseph. The Now Criticism: Vernacular Poetry Scholars from 1990-2005. 2021. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
20th Century, 21st Century, American, Community, Poetry and Poetics, Public Scholarship, Publics/Public Spheres |
Reeves, Kathleen. Motherhood and Freedom in Women's Writing After 1970. 2021. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
20th Century, 21st Century, American, Feminism and Feminist Theory, Gender, Literature, Women Writers |
Ebrahimzadeh, Navid. The Lowly Remains: Waste in Twentieth-Century American Fiction. 2020. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
20th Century, American, Culture, Novel/Prose Fiction |
Barwise, Claire. It Girls and Old Maids: Satiric Wit and the Single Woman in the Anglo-American Novel (1918-1958). 2020. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
20th Century, American, British, Gender, Literature, Modernism, Women Writers |
Alan Williams. Queering the Transpacific: Race and Sexuality across the U.S. and Japanese Empires. 2020. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
20th Century, African American, Asian American, Critical Race Theory, Global Studies, History, Queer Studies, Race and Ethnicity, Transnational |
Smith, Alexandra V. Writing the Street: Discourses of Choice, Agency, and Mobility in Twentieth Century Street Lit. 2019. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
20th Century, African American, American, Jewish Studies, Literature, Race and Ethnicity, Space/Place, Urban Studies |
Wirth, James Benson. Negative Masculinity: Theories of Freedom in American Literature after 1950. 2019. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
20th Century, 21st Century, American, Gender, Literature, Narrative Analysis |
Lin, Hsinmei. The Poetics of Worlding: Nonhuman Cartographers and the Becoming of Histories. 2019. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
19th Century, 20th Century, American, Comparative Literature, Environment, Global Studies, Literature, Poetry and Poetics, Translation and Interpretation |
Youell, Ryan. The Architecture of Anti-Utopias: Critiques of Modern Public Housing from London to Orwell. 2018. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
20th Century, American, British, Modernism, Urban Studies |
Jaccard, Erik. Speculative Fiction, Catastrophe, and the Devolutionary Imagination in Postwar Britain. 2017. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
20th Century, British, Diaspora Studies, Science Fiction |
Chartudomdej, Sani. Antiheroes in the "Battle of the Sexes": The Anti-Heroic Mode and a Shift in the Meaning of Hegemonic Masculinity in World War I Fiction. 2017. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
20th Century, American, English, Gender, History |
Babbie, Raymond Tyler. Issues of Modernism: Editorial Authority in Little Magazines of the Avant Guerre. 2017. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
20th Century, Literature, Modernism, Poetry and Poetics |
Wimberly, Meri. Zimbabwean Literature since 1980: Irrealist Style and Capitalist Modernization. 2017. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
20th Century, 21st Century, African, Postcolonial, Race and Ethnicity |
Jaccard, Erik. ‘Global Horizons: Scottish Literature and the Capitalist World System.’ Studies in Scottish Literature 43.1 (Spring 2017): 31-36. |
Book Chapters, Essays and Articles, Graduate, Dissertations |
20th Century, British, Literature |
Costa, Stephanie. Freaks in Public : Reading the Freakish in Contemporary American Literature and Culture. 2016. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
20th Century, American, Culture, Disability, Feminism and Feminist Theory, Literature, Queer Studies |
Sohn, Ilsu. Ageing and Imperial Mobility in the British Novel, 1845-1945. 2016. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
19th Century, 20th Century, British, Novel/Prose Fiction |
Sackschewsky, Leisl. Orientations in Time: Music and the Construction of Historical Narrative in 20th and 21st Century African-American Literature. 2016. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
20th Century, 21st Century, African American, American, Literature, Music |
Simons, Barbara. Tracing Hybrid Collectives of Illness, War, and Medicine in Twentieth- and Twenty-First Century Narratives of Illness. 2016. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
20th Century, 21st Century, Anthropology, Comparative Literature, Culture, Linguistics, Modernism |
Zygutis, Linda. Critic, Reader, Fan: Modernism and Textual Poaching in H.D., Mina Loy and Gertrude Stein. 2015. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
20th Century, Modernism, Women Writers |
Arvidson, Heather. Impersonality and the Cultural Work of Modernist Aesthetics. 2014. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
20th Century, Culture, Literature, Modernism |
Dwyer, Anne. The Modern Animal. 2014. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
19th Century, 20th Century, Transatlantic |