
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Holmes, Jessica Michelle. An Applied Vegan Poetics. 2021. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Peterson, Shane. The Rhetorics of Crisis and Apocalypse in the Intermountain West. 2021. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Hitchman, Matthew Kastrup. Maritime Sensibility: Sentimentalism, Racial Capitalism, and a Critique of the American Maritime Genre. 2020. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Palo, Caitlin. An Address to One and Many: Epistolary Experiments with the Public Sphere in England and the United States - 1735, 1796, 1998. 2020. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Oliveri, Vincent. Roles of Structures-in-Use in the Outcomes of Online Political Talk. 2020. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
George, Emily Carole. Stage Converts: Performing Moral and Religious Change in Early Modern English Drama. 2020. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Chance, Maia Storm. "Objects on the Margins": How Things Make Persons and Worlds in Nineteenth-Century United States Writing. 2020. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Telegen, Joseph. Empathy Passage: Toward a Presentational Genealogy of the Rhetorics of Antisemistism and Israel/Palestine. 2020. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Ebrahimzadeh, Navid. The Lowly Remains: Waste in Twentieth-Century American Fiction. 2020. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Daud, Sumayyah. The Demarcation Zone: The Victorian Search for a Global Past. 2020. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Savage, Phillip. 19th Century American Literary Naturalism and the Grotesque. 2020. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Knapp, Caleb. They Chose Instead Revolt: Slave Narratives, Sexual Violence, and the Black Radical Tradition. 2020. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Alzaroo, Lubna. Settler Colonial Infrastructure: Necropolitics and Ecology in the U.S. and Palestine. 2020. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Kumler, David Ryan. Into the Seething Vortex: Occult Horror and the Subversion of the Realistic. 2020. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Fox, Nancy Ann. American Athena: A Feminist Sophistic Analysis of the Discourses of Women Servicemembers. 2020. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
McCauley, Alex. Victorian Atlantis: Drowning, Population, and Property in the Nineteenth-Century Novel. 2020. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Kim, Soh Yeun. The Familial Stranger: The U.S. Adoptive Kinship and The Question of Race. 2020. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Daniel, Krista. Sophistication and Speech in British Middlebrow Fiction, 1929-1952. 2020. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Faulkner, Sarah Emilie. Jane Porter in the Margins: Paratext in the Romantic National Novel. 2020. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Thu, Sumyat. Navigating and Responding to Raciolinguistic Ideologies: Refugee and Immigrant Students' Literacy Practices Across Contexts. 2020. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
De Vos, Laura M. Spirals of Transformation: Turtle Island Indigenous Social Movements and Literatures. 2020. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Barwise, Claire. It Girls and Old Maids: Satiric Wit and the Single Woman in the Anglo-American Novel (1918-1958). 2020. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Alan Williams. Queering the Transpacific: Race and Sexuality across the U.S. and Japanese Empires. 2020. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Schenold, Terrence E. The Poetics of Reflection in Digital Games. 2019. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Baker, Judy-Gail. BTS' A.R.M.Y. Web 2.0 Composing: Fangirl Translinguality as Parasocial, Motile Literacy Praxis. 2019. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations