Carlee Ann Horst. "Creating an Empowering Classroom Discourse on Gender through Great Expectations.". Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2015. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Literature, Gender |
Kaija Catherine Perkiomaki. "Little Girls and Big Men: The Romance Narrative Explored Through the Sexual Coding of the Vampire Fantasy's Hero and Heroine.". Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2015. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Sexuality, Literature |
David Jin Yi. "Too Good to be True: The Unraveling of John Kwang in Native Speaker.". Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2015. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Literature |
John "Jack" William Chelgren. "Qu’est-ce que c’est?': Affect, Subjectivity, and Neoliberalism in Talking Heads and John Ashbery.". Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2015. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Literature |
Aaron Douglas Huebner. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2015. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Tristan Michael Riesen. "The 'Other' Victorians: Sexuality, Censorship, and Film Noir.". Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2015. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
19th Century, Sexuality, Literature |
Ariel Basom. Queer Manhattan: Truman Capote's Strange New York. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2014. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Gender, Queer Studies |
Ian Russell Cunningham. The War Will Be Televised: Racial Profiling and the War on Drugs in Breaking Bad. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2014. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Race and Ethnicity |
Vedran Jankovic. Bow Down: The Evil of Banality and the Phantasmal Subject of Nightwood. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2014. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Modernism |
Sara Senia Patton. GPS to Herland: Mapping the Universal and Particular in Charlotte Gilman's Utopian Novel. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2014. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Nicole Megan Beckwith. Finding the Sunshine in Sitcom. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2014. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Media Studies |
Alexandra Elizabeth Deem. Envisioning Intent: Models of Biopolitical Carnival in Benito Cereno and Heart of Darkness. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2014. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Literary Criticism |
Hyungbin Lae Kang. The Image and Motif Across Conversation in Nightwood. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2014. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Modernism |
Emily Brinham Pierce. Latent Love or Lust? Liberating Female Sexuality in Joe Wright's 2012 filmic adaptation of Anna Karenina. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2014. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Feminism and Feminist Theory |
Heather Dawn Bervid. Personal Identity: The Effects of Globalization and Commodification on Nationality, Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Lawrence Chua's Gold by the Inch. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2014. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Race and Ethnicity, Sexuality, Gender |
Enrico Jarod Doan. From Americana to the Borderlands Consciousness: The Evolution of Violence from the Frontier to the Geo-Political Border between the United States and Mexico. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2014. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
American |
Stephanie Valentine Kastner. How Easy it was to Fast:' Anorexia and the Self-Starving Body in the Biopolitical Era. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2014. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Political Science |
Whitney Paige Schmidt. Hyperbolic Interpellation: Subjectivity in Bioshock. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2014. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
New Media |
Hilary Roseann Bowen. Crossing the Frame Between Art and Audience through Movement: Themes of Representation in The Cost of Living. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2014. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Performance Studies |
Rebecca Lynne Eskildsen. Flipped: the gender of book covers. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2014. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Gender |
Cali Rose Kopczick. Translation as History-Writing: Disrupting Linearity Come Hell and High Water. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2014. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Translation and Interpretation |
William Connor Smith. Encountering Violence in the Spectacle of Suzanne Collins' The Hunger Games. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2014. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Nicholas Gideon Carr. The Messy Spaces In Between: Multicultural Literature in Contemporary Denmark. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2014. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Culture |
Tanya Joy Friedland. Harry Potter and the Violence of Censorship. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2014. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Literature |
Dandi Meng. Alimentary School: Roald Dahl and the Biopolitics of Consumption. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2014. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Literature |