Geoffrey Aaron Paul. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2013. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Chelsey L. Slattum. Unimagined Identity: The Many Implications of Namelessness in The Cocktail Party. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2013. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Literary Criticism |
Milo Umberto Zorzino. Howards End, Thornfield Hall, and the Creation of Alternative British Modernities. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2013. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
British |
Julie Feng. The Art of Ars Poetica: Exploring the Movement of Metalanguage in Poetry about Poetry. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2013. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Poetry and Poetics |
Samuel Kolodezh. Spectral Laughter: Constructing a Modern Subjectivity through Humor in The Castle Spectre. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2013. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Reed James Perkins. Comics to Memes: The Transition into 'Post-postmodernism'. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2013. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Postmodern |
Emilie Virginia Smith. What's in a name? George Washington Gómez and the civil war of (linguistic) identity. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2013. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Linguistics |
Jeremy Cameron Goheen. The Low and Godful Man: Masculinity in Charles Kingsley and Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2013. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Gender, 19th Century |
Noah Jacob Lee-Engel. Decolonial Declensions. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2013. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Postcolonial |
Vincent Quang Pham. Revisiting Linsanity: Understanding the Continued Cultural Significance of Jeremy Lin. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2013. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Culture |
Andrea M. Squires. You are welcome to it if you like:" Seeing and Being Seen, While Reading History from Within the Margins: A Look at Jamaica Kincaid's Lucy." Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2013. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Lucas McKinley Barash-David. House of Leaves as Emergent Literature in the Digital Age. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2013. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Literature |
Alejandro Les Guardado. The Drama of Reproduction: The Family Unit as a Site for Gender Performance in Jeffrey Eugenides' Middlesex. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2013. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Gender |
Tiffany Loh. Marxist Objects in Mrs. Dalloway. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2013. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Literature |
Anthea Piong. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2013. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Sarah Lucinda St Albin. The Mechanics of Desire in Thomas Hardy's Tess of the d'Urbervilles. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2013. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
19th Century, Literature |
Kelcie Anne Borton. Varied Views on Victorian Vices: Effects of Literary Idealism in Charles Dickens's Hard Times Versus Realism in William Thackeray's Vanity Fair. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2013. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Literature, 19th Century |
Thomas Teancum Gunn. Amazing Stories: Wonder as a Reader Response in the Contemporary Novel. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2013. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Literature |
Barbara Marie Marshall. Remediation Techniques: House of Leaves a Critique of Trauma. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2013. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Literature |
Samuel Philip Pizelo. The Science of the Soul: Spectrality and Modernity in Nineteenth Century America. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2013. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
American, 19th Century |
Trevor Neil White. The Digital Campfire: Interactive Horror Storytelling and Web 2.0. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2013. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
New Media |
Christopher Chance Campbell. Truth, Deception: History and Narrative in Borges' 'Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius.' Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2013. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Literature |
Shelby Morgan Handler. [Un]covering Mirrors and Healing Backwards: Reclaiming Histories and Reframing Queer Jewish Anti-Zionist Resistance. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2013. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Jewish Studies, Queer Studies |
Nicole Grace Mendoza Masangkay. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2013. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
McKenna Jean Princing. Reclaiming the Fairy Tale: The Power of Fairy Tales to Advance Women's Rights and Act as Agents of Social Change in Popular Culture and the Academic Community. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2013. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Feminism and Feminist Theory |