Honors Theses

Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Geoffrey Aaron Paul. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2013. Undergraduate, Honors Theses
Chelsey L. Slattum. Unimagined Identity: The Many Implications of Namelessness in The Cocktail Party. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2013. Undergraduate, Honors Theses
Milo Umberto Zorzino. Howards End, Thornfield Hall, and the Creation of Alternative British Modernities. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2013. Undergraduate, Honors Theses
Julie Feng. The Art of Ars Poetica: Exploring the Movement of Metalanguage in Poetry about Poetry. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2013. Undergraduate, Honors Theses
Samuel Kolodezh. Spectral Laughter: Constructing a Modern Subjectivity through Humor in The Castle Spectre. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2013. Undergraduate, Honors Theses
Reed James Perkins. Comics to Memes: The Transition into 'Post-postmodernism'. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2013. Undergraduate, Honors Theses
Emilie Virginia Smith. What's in a name? George Washington Gómez and the civil war of (linguistic) identity. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2013. Undergraduate, Honors Theses
Jeremy Cameron Goheen. The Low and Godful Man: Masculinity in Charles Kingsley and Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2013. Undergraduate, Honors Theses
Noah Jacob Lee-Engel. Decolonial Declensions. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2013. Undergraduate, Honors Theses
Vincent Quang Pham. Revisiting Linsanity: Understanding the Continued Cultural Significance of Jeremy Lin. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2013. Undergraduate, Honors Theses
Andrea M. Squires. You are welcome to it if you like:" Seeing and Being Seen, While Reading History from Within the Margins: A Look at Jamaica Kincaid's Lucy." Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2013. Undergraduate, Honors Theses
Lucas McKinley Barash-David. House of Leaves as Emergent Literature in the Digital Age. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2013. Undergraduate, Honors Theses
Alejandro Les Guardado. The Drama of Reproduction: The Family Unit as a Site for Gender Performance in Jeffrey Eugenides' Middlesex. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2013. Undergraduate, Honors Theses
Tiffany Loh. Marxist Objects in Mrs. Dalloway. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2013. Undergraduate, Honors Theses
Anthea Piong. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2013. Undergraduate, Honors Theses
Sarah Lucinda St Albin. The Mechanics of Desire in Thomas Hardy's Tess of the d'Urbervilles. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2013. Undergraduate, Honors Theses
Kelcie Anne Borton. Varied Views on Victorian Vices: Effects of Literary Idealism in Charles Dickens's Hard Times Versus Realism in William Thackeray's Vanity Fair. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2013. Undergraduate, Honors Theses
Thomas Teancum Gunn. Amazing Stories: Wonder as a Reader Response in the Contemporary Novel. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2013. Undergraduate, Honors Theses
Barbara Marie Marshall. Remediation Techniques: House of Leaves a Critique of Trauma. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2013. Undergraduate, Honors Theses
Samuel Philip Pizelo. The Science of the Soul: Spectrality and Modernity in Nineteenth Century America. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2013. Undergraduate, Honors Theses
Trevor Neil White. The Digital Campfire: Interactive Horror Storytelling and Web 2.0. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2013. Undergraduate, Honors Theses
Christopher Chance Campbell. Truth, Deception: History and Narrative in Borges' 'Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius.' Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2013. Undergraduate, Honors Theses
Shelby Morgan Handler. [Un]covering Mirrors and Healing Backwards: Reclaiming Histories and Reframing Queer Jewish Anti-Zionist Resistance. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2013. Undergraduate, Honors Theses
Nicole Grace Mendoza Masangkay. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2013. Undergraduate, Honors Theses
McKenna Jean Princing. Reclaiming the Fairy Tale: The Power of Fairy Tales to Advance Women's Rights and Act as Agents of Social Change in Popular Culture and the Academic Community. Honors Thesis, University of Washington. 2013. Undergraduate, Honors Theses