
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Juliet Shields, Scottish Women's Writing in the Long Nineteenth Century: the Romance of Everyday Life (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021). Publications, Books
Erik S. Roraback, The Power of the Impossible: On Community and the Creative Life (Winchester/Washington DC: Iff, 2018). Publications, Books
David Bosworth "Conscientious Thinking: Making Sense in an Age of Idiot Savants" (University of Georgia Press) Publications, Books
Cornell, Caleigh and Lydia Heberling. "The Politics of Play: Surfing as a Trans-Indigenous Expression of Thrivance." BoarderX : Winnipeg Art Gallery,,article/7/the-politics-of-play-surfing-as-a-trans-indigenous-expression-of-thrivance.  Publications, Essays and Articles
“Chronologies of Disaster in Beasts of the Southern Wild: Narrative Possibility and Adaptive Politics”, Eco Culture: Disaster, Narrative, Discourse, ed. Robert Bell & Robert Ficociello, Lexington 2017.  Publications, Book Chapters
Jessica Burstein, “Visual Art,” The Cambridge Companion to Modernist Culture, ed. Celia Marshik (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015), 145-65. Publications, Book Chapters
Jessica Burstein, Cold Modernism: Literature, Fashion, Art (Penn State University Press, 2012) Publications, Books
Erik S. Roraback, The Dialectics of Late Capital and Power: James, Balzac and Critical Theory (Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2007).   Publications, Books
"The Skyscraper's Unseeing Eyes: Louis Sullivan, Nella Larsen, and Racial Formalism,” American Literature Publications, Essays and Articles
"The Skyscraper's Unseeing Eyes: Louis Sullivan, Nella Larsen, and Racial Formalism," American Literature, in revise-towards-acceptance stage Publications, Essays and Articles