
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Alan Williams. “Queering the Color Line within the Color Line: W. E. B. Du Bois and the Transwar Transpacific.” American Studies 61, no. 4 (2022): 31-63. Publications, Essays and Articles
Habiba Ibrahim and Badia Ahad, "Introduction: Black Temporality in Times of Crisis." South Atlantic Quarterly special issue, "Black Temporality in Times of Crisis," edited by Badia Ahad and Habiba Ibrahim, 121.2 (2022). Publications, Essays and Articles
Reed, Brian. “Show Me the Color of Your Flowers: American AIDS Poetry Today.” New Centennial Review 21.2 (Fall 2021): 99-126. Publications, Essays and Articles
Kumler, David. "Reanimating Lovecraft: Racism and Ontological Terror in Victor LaValle’s The Ballad of Black Tom.Aeternum: The Journal of Contemporary Gothic Studies, vol. 8, no. 1, 2021, pp. 45-60. Publications, Essays and Articles
Habiba Ibrahim. Black Age: Oceanic Lifespans and the Time of Black Life. New York University Press, 2021. Publications, Books
 “Defying Gravity: Tyehimba Jess’s Syncopated Sonnets.” Foreign Literature Studies [外国文学研究] 41.6 (December 2019): 27-42. Publications, Essays and Articles
Alys Eve Weinbaum. “The Gender of the General Strike:  W. E. B. Du Bois’s Black Reconstruction and Black Feminism’s Philosophy of History.” Citizen of the World: The Late Career and Legacy of W. E. B. Du Bois.  Edited by Phillip Luke Sinitiere. Chicago:  Northwestern University Press, 2019.   Publications, Book Chapters
Alys Eve Weinbaum. “W. E. B. Du Bois, Feminism and Democracy.”  Interview.  Socialism and Democracy.  Co-edited by Edward Carson, Gerard Horne and Phillip Like Sinitiere.  Forthcoming Winter 2019. Publications, Essays and Articles
Alys Eve Weinbaum. The Afterlife of Reproductive Slavery: Biocapitalism and Black Feminism’s Philosophy of History.  Duke University Press, forthcoming 2019. Publications, Books
Dr. Satan's Echo Chamber: Essays in Dub (forthcoming, Wesleyan University Press) Publications, Books
“Racial Microbiopolitics: Flint Lead Poisoning, Detroit Water Shut Offs, and The “Matter” of Enfleshment,” The Comparatist. vol. 41, 2017, pp. 19–40. (peer-reviewed). Publications, Essays and Articles
“Chronologies of Disaster in Beasts of the Southern Wild: Narrative Possibility and Adaptive Politics”, Eco Culture: Disaster, Narrative, Discourse, ed. Robert Bell & Robert Ficociello, Lexington 2017.  Publications, Book Chapters
Caroyln Finney. Black Faces, White Spaces: Reimagining the Relationship of African Americans to the Great Outdoors for The Black Scholar 46.3.  Publications, Reviews
K. Merinda Simmons. Changing the Subject: Writing Women Across the African Diaspora for Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature 35.1. Publications, Reviews
“Adapting Natural Disaster: The Problem of Magical Realism in Beasts of the Southern Wild”, Adaptation as a Collaborative Art – Process and Practice, ed. Bernadette Cronin & Nikolai Preuschoff, Palgrave MacMillan 2017. [in progress]  Publications, Book Chapters
The Sound of Culture: Diaspora and Black Technopoetics (Wesleyan University Press, 2016). Publications, Books
Habiba Ibrahim. "Any Other Age: Vampires and Oceanic Lifespans," African American Review, 49.4 (Winter 2016) 313-327. Publications, Essays and Articles
Lynnell L. Thomas. Desire & Disaster in New Orleans: Tourism, Race, and Historical Memory for The Black Scholar 45.3. Publications, Reviews
Alys Eve Weinbaum. “The Gender of the General Strike: W. E. B. Du Bois’s Black Reconstruction and Black Feminism’s ‘Propoganda of History’.” Special issue commemorating the 75th Anniversary of W. E. B. Du Bois’s Black Reconstruction edited by Thavolia Glymph. South Atlantic Quarterly 112.3 (Summer 2013): 437-464. Publications, Essays and Articles
Alys Eve Weinbaum. “The Afterlife of Slavery and the Problem of Reproductive Freedom.” Special issue on Genres of Neoliberalism edited by Gillian Harkins and Jane Elliot. Social Text 31.2 (Spring, 2013): 49-68. Publications, Essays and Articles
Bauer, Meri. "Review of Exhibiting Blackness: African Americans and the American Art Museum by Bridget R. Cooks." The Black Scholar 42.2 (2012). 61-62 Publications, Reviews
“Reginald Shepherd at Hart Crane’s Grave.” Callaloo 32.4 (Fall 2009): 1274-92. Publications, Essays and Articles
Alys Eve Weinbaum.  “The Modern Girl Around the World:  Cosmetics Advertising and the Politics of Race and Style.” Co-authored with the Modern Girl Around the World Research Group.  The Modern Girl Around the World:Consumption, Modernity and Globalization. Duke University Press, 2008.   Publications, Book Chapters
Alys Eve Weinbaum. “The Modern Girl as Heuristic Device:  Collaboration, Connective Comparison, Multidirectional Citation.” Co-authored with the Modern Girl Around the World Research Group.  The Modern Girl Around the World.  Duke University Press, 2008.  Publications, Book Chapters
Alys Eve Weinbaum. Racial Masquerade:  Consumption and Contestation of American Modernity.” The Modern Girl Around the WorldDurham: Duke University Press, 2008.  Publications, Book Chapters