
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Gillian Harkins, “Surviving the Family Romance? Southern Realism and the Labor of Incest in Bastard Out of CarolinaThe Southern Literary Journal (Fall 2007): 114-139; Reprinted in Realism’s Others , Eds. Eva Aldea and Geoff Baker (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010): 247-277. Publications, Essays and Articles
The Last Darky: Bert Williams, Black on Black Minstrelsy and the African Diaspora (Duke) Publications, Books
Robert Abrams. “Borders.” American History through Literature, 1820-1870. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2006), pp. 154-162. Publications, Book Chapters
“Twentieth-century Poetry and the New York Art World.” A Concise Companion to Twentieth-century American Poetry, ed. Stephen Fredman. Oxford: Blackwell, 2005. 113-34. Publications, Book Chapters
"Eden or Ebb of the Sea’: Susan Howe’s Word Squares and Postlinear Poetics.” Postmodern Culture 14.2 (January 2004). Web. Publications, Essays and Articles
“Carl Sandburg’s The People, Yes, Thirties Modernism, and the Problem of Bad Political Poetry.” Texas Studies in Language and Literature 46.2 (Summer 2004): 181-212. Publications, Essays and Articles
Robert Abrams. Landscape and Ideology in American Renaissance Literature: Topographies of Skepticism. Cambridge University Press. 2004. Publications, Books
“Hart Crane’s Victrola.” Modernism/modernity 7.1 (January 2000): 99-125. Publications, Essays and Articles
“Ezra Pound’s Utopia of the Eye: The Chinese Characters in the Rock-Drill Cantos.” Paideuma 26 (Fall-Winter 1997): 111-21. Publications, Essays and Articles
Robert Shulman. “American Writers, the Welfare State, and the Opportunity Society, 1932-1995.” Social and Secure: Politics and Culture of the Welfare State: A Comparative Inquiry. Ed. Hans Bak, Fritz von Holthoon, and Hans Krabbendam. VU University Press. 1996. Publications, Book Chapters
Eva Cherniavsky. “Subaltern Studies in a U.S. Frame.” boundary 2 23:2 (Summer 1996). Publications, Essays and Articles
Eva Cherniavsky. That Pale Mother Rising: Sentimental Discourses and the Imitation of Motherhood in 19th C. America. Indiana University Press. 1995. Publications, Books
Robert Abrams. “Critiquing Colonial American Geography: Hawthorne’s Landscape of Bewilderment.” Texas Studies in Literature and Language 36 (Winter 1994), 357-379. Publications, Essays and Articles
John Griffith. “Franklin’s Sanity and the Man behind the Masks.” The Oldest Revolutionary: Essays on Benjamin Franklin. J. A. Leo Lemay, ed.. University of Pennsylvania Press. 1976. Publications, Book Chapters
John Griffith. “James’s ‘The Pupil’ as Whodunit: The Question of Moral Responsibility.” Studies in Short Fiction 9, 3 (Summer 1972), 257-268. Publications, Essays and Articles