
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Rhema Hokama, Devotional Experience and Erotic Knowledge in the Literature Culture of the English Reformation (Oxford University Press, 2023). Publications, Books
Porter, Molly E. "“A Curious Pattern Like a Tree:” Edenic Death and Life in Virginia Woolf’s Mrs Dalloway." Christianity & Literature, vol. 71 no. 1, 2022, p. 1-20. Project MUSE Publications, Essays and Articles
Charles LaPorte.  "Post-Secular English Studies and Romantic Cults of Authorship," Constructing Nineteenth-Century Religion: Literary, Historical, and Religious Studies in Dialogue, eds. Joshua King and Winter Werner.  Ohio State University Press, Literature, Religion, and Postsecular Studies Series, 2019. Publications, Book Chapters
Charles LaPorte.  "Religion and Spirituality."  The Cambridge Companion to Victorian Women's Poetry, ed. Linda K. Hughes.  Cambridge University Press, 2019. Publications, Book Chapters
“Atheist Prophecy: Mathilde Blind, Constance Naden, and the Victorian Poetess,”  reprinted in Victorian Literature: Criticism and Debates, eds. Lee Behlman and Anne Longmuir.  Routledge, 2015: 67-74.  Publications, Essays and Articles
Charles LaPorte. Victorian Poets and the Changing Bible. University of Virginia Press. 2011. Publications, Books
Paul Remley. Old English Biblical Verse: Studies in Genesis Exodus, and Daniel. Cambridge University Press. 1996. Publications, Books
David McCracken. The Scandal of the Gospels: Jesus, Story, and Offense. Oxford University Press. 1994. Publications, Books