
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Daniel C. Taylor, Carl E. Taylor, and Jesse Oak Taylor, Empowerment on an Unstable Planet: From Seeds of Human Energy to a Scale of Global Change (Oxford University Press, 2011).  Publications, Books
Anis Bawarshi. “The Ecology of Genre.”  Ecocomposition: Theoretical and Pedagogical Approaches. Eds. Sidney I. Dobrin and Christian R. Weisser.  New York: State University of New York Press, 2001.  69-80.  Publications, Book Chapters
Walwema, J. (2023).Participatory Policy: Enacting Technical Communication for a Shared Water Future. In Williams, S. D.(ED). Technical Communication for Environmental Action. State University of New York Press. Publications, Book Chapters
"Teaching Public Activism in the Humanities: Navigating a Classroom Climate in Crisis.” Critical Animal Theory: Critical Theory, Social Construction, and Total Liberation. Lexington Books. 2021. Publications, Book Chapters
“The Trouble with Resilience.” Intimate Relations: Communicating (in) the Anthropocene. Lexington Press. 2021. Publications, Book Chapters
“The Trouble with Resilience.” Intimate Relations: Communicating (in) the Anthropocene. Lexington Press. 2021. Publications, Book Chapters