
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Colette Moore. 2021. review: Transforming Early English: the Reinvention of Early English and Older Scots Jeremy Smith. For Speculum 96:4. 1231-2. Publications, Reviews
Colette Moore. 2021. "Before quotation marks: parentheses as punctuation of represented speech in early print." Speech Representation in the History of English. Peter Grund and Terry Walker, eds. Oxford University Press. 29-50. Publications, Essays and Articles
Colette Moore. 2020. "Paratext, information studies, and Middle English manuscripts." The Dynamics of Text and Framing Phenomena: Historical approaches to paratext and metadiscourse in English. Matti Peikola and Birte Bös, eds. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 289-309. Publications, Essays and Articles
Colette Moore. 2020. "Information design and information structure in the Middle English prose Brut." In Message and Medium: English Language Practices Across Old and New Media. Caroline Tagg and Mel Evans, eds. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. 261-280. Publications, Essays and Articles
Colette Moore. 2019. "The path not taken: parentheses and written direct speech in Early Modern printed books."  Punctuation in Context –Past and Present Perspectives.  Merja Kytö and Claudia Claridge, eds.  Bern: Peter Lang. 85-101. Publications, Essays and Articles
Colette Moore and Chris C. Palmer, eds. 2019. Teaching the History of the English Language.  MLA Options in Teaching series. New York: Modern Language Association of America. Publications, Books
Colette Moore. 2019. "Communities of Practice and Incipient Standardization in Middle English Written Culture." English Studies 100:2. 117-132. Publications, Essays and Articles
Colette Moore. 2017. "Discourse variation, mise-en-page, and textual organisation in Middle English saints' lives." In Verbal and Visual Communication in Early English Texts.  Matti Peikola, Aleksi Mäkilähde, Hanna Salmi, Mari-Liisa Varila, and Janne Skaffari, eds. Turnhout: Brepols. Publications, Essays and Articles
Colette Moore. 2017. "So moche ye owe me": speech-like representation in Caxton's Dialogues in French and English.  Nordic Journal of English Studies 16:1.  171-189. Publications, Essays and Articles
Don Chapman, Colette Moore, and Miranda Wilcox, eds.  2016.  Studies in the History of the English Language VII: Generalizing vs. particularizing methodologies in historical linguistic analysis.  Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, Topics in English Linguistics. Publications, Books
Colette Moore. 2016. “Visual pragmatics: Speech presentation and Middle English manuscripts.” In Cambridge Handbook of English Historical Linguistics. Merja Kytö and Päivi Pahta, eds. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Publications, Essays and Articles
Colette Moore. 2015. “Talking about talk: quethen, quoth, quote.” In Quoting Now and Then. Jenny Arendholz, Wolfram Bublitz and Monika Kirner, eds. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. Publications, Essays and Articles
Colette Moore. 2014. “A history of the English term onomatopoeia.” In Studies in the History of the English Language VI. Michael Adams, Rob Fulk, and Laurel Brinton, eds. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Publications, Essays and Articles
Colette Moore. 2013. Testifying to Language and Life in Early Modern England. For English Studies 94:5. 624-625. Publications, Reviews
Colette Moore. 2012. “Early Modern English: Literary Language.” In Historical Linguistics of English. vol. 1. Alexander Bergs and Laurel Brinton, eds. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 791-807. Publications, Essays and Articles
Colette Moore. 2011. “History of the English Language in the English Department: Past and present.” In Contours of English. Anne Curzan and Michael Adams, eds. University of Michigan Press. 157-167. Publications, Essays and Articles
Colette Moore. 2011.  Quoting Speech in Early English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Publications, Books
Colette Moore, Richard W. Bailey, and Marilyn Miller, eds. 2006. A London Provisioner’s Chronicle, 1550–1563, by Henry Machyn: Manuscript, Transcription, and Modernization. University of Michigan Press and the Scholarly Publishing Office of the University of Michigan University Library.  Electronic edition. Publications, Books