
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Baker, JohnMorgan. "'Sexual Cripples': Disability, Race, and Sex in Ralph Werther's Writings, 1918-1922." Journal of the History of Sexuality 33, no. 3 (2024): 361-389. Publications, Essays and Articles
“Bhanu Kapil’s Schizophrene Poetics: Disability, Dispossession, and Diaspora,” Neocolonialism, Displacement, and Trauma: Engaged Criticism in Contemporary Literature, Ed. Kate Rose, Routledge Press, Feb 2020. (peer-reviewed). Publications, Book Chapters
Jaccard, Erik. "His Fable, Right or Left: Orwell, Animal Farm, and the Politics of Critical Reception." Critical Insights: Animal FarmEd. Thomas Horan. Salem Press, 2018. 3-17. Publications, Book Chapters
‘Not death, but annihilation’: Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-four and the Catastrophe of Englishness. Critical Insights: Nineteen Eighty-Four. Ed. Thomas Horan. Salem Press, 2016. 98-112.       Publications, Book Chapters
Jaccard, Erik. "Not Death, but Annihilation": Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four and the Catastrophe of Englishness." Critical Insights: Nineteen Eighty-Four. Ed. Thomas Horan. Ipswich, Mass: Salem Press, 2016. 98-112.  Publications, Book Chapters
Jaccard, Erik. "'Not Death, but Annihilation': Orwell's 1984 and the Catastrophe of Englishness." Critical Insights: Nineteen Eighty-Four. Ed. Thomas Horan. Ipswich, Massachusetts : Amenia, NY, Salem Press, Grey House Publishing, 2016. Publications, Book Chapters
Bauer, Meri. "Review of Some Kinds of Childhood: Images of History and Resistance in Zimbabwean Literature by Robert Muponde,." Safundi 17.3 (2016). 362-364. Publications, Reviews
Daniel C. Taylor, Carl E. Taylor, and Jesse Oak Taylor, Empowerment on an Unstable Planet: From Seeds of Human Energy to a Scale of Global Change (Oxford University Press, 2011).  Publications, Books
Alys Eve Weinbaum.  "Nation.” Keywords:  A Vocabulary of American Cultural Studies.  Bruce Burgett and Glen Hendler eds. New York:  New York University Press, 2007.  Publications, Book Chapters