
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
O–(ezekiel’s wife). Print Poetry Book featuring "Hewn Fruit" in collaboration with Colleen Burner, GASHER Journal and Press, November 2019.Audiobook edition of O–(ezekiel’s wife) produced with Digital Sound Artist Judith Twedt to feature “climate change soundscapes” with poetry readings, GASHER Journal and Press, March 2020. Publications, Books
Dr. Satan's Echo Chamber: Essays in Dub (forthcoming, Wesleyan University Press) Publications, Books
Shivers-McNair, Ann. “3D Interviewing with Researcher POV Video: Bodies and Knowledge in the Making.” Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 21.2 (January 2017). Web. Publications, Essays and Articles
Mary Jo Reiff and Anis Bawarshi. Genre and the Performance of Publics. Logan: Utah State University Press/University of Colorado Press, 2016. Publications, Edited Collections
“Hard Going: Resisting the Fantasy of Distance’s Irrelevance.” Hyperrhiz no.7 (Spring 2010). Web. Publications, Essays and Articles
Leroy Searle. “Concerning the Power of the Preposition: The Photographs of Nathan Lyons.” Afterimage 1-1-2004. Publications, Essays and Articles