Jesse Oak Taylor, "White Skin, White Masks: Joseph Conrad and the Masks of Imperial Manhood," Conradiana 44.2-3 (Winter 2012): 191-210. |
Publications, Essays and Articles |
19th Century, 20th Century, British, Gender, Postcolonial, Race and Ethnicity |
Alys Eve Weinbaum. “The Modern Girl Around the World: Cosmetics Advertising and the Politics of Race and Style.” Co-authored with the Modern Girl Around the World Research Group. The Modern Girl Around the World:Consumption, Modernity and Globalization. Duke University Press, 2008. |
Publications, Book Chapters |
20th Century, African American, Asian American, Feminism and Feminist Theory, Gender, History, Race and Ethnicity, Women Writers |
Alys Eve Weinbaum. “The Modern Girl as Heuristic Device: Collaboration, Connective Comparison, Multidirectional Citation.” Co-authored with the Modern Girl Around the World Research Group. The Modern Girl Around the World. Duke University Press, 2008. |
Publications, Book Chapters |
20th Century, African American, Asian American, Feminism and Feminist Theory, Gender, History, Race and Ethnicity, Women Writers |
Alys Eve Weinbaum. Racial Masquerade: Consumption and Contestation of American Modernity.” The Modern Girl Around the World. Durham: Duke University Press, 2008. |
Publications, Book Chapters |
20th Century, African American, Asian American, Feminism and Feminist Theory, Gender, History, Race and Ethnicity, Women Writers |
Alys Eve Weinbaum. “W. E. B. Du Bois and the Politics of Juxtaposition.” Co-author with Susan Gillman. Next to the Color Line: Gender, Sexuality and W. E. B. Du Bois. University of Minnesota Press, 2007. |
Publications, Book Chapters |
20th Century, 21st Century, African American, American, Gender, Global Studies, History, Race and Ethnicity |
Alys Eve Weinbaum. “Interracial Romance and Black Internationalism.” Next to the Color Line. Ed., Gilman and Weinbaum University of Minnesota Press, 2007. |
Publications, Book Chapters |
20th Century, 21st Century, African American, American, Gender, History, Race and Ethnicity |
Alys Eve Weinbaum. "Nation.” Keywords: A Vocabulary of American Cultural Studies. Bruce Burgett and Glen Hendler eds. New York: New York University Press, 2007. |
Publications, Book Chapters |
19th Century, 20th Century, 21st Century, African American, American, Gender, History, Nationalism, Race and Ethnicity |
Habiba Ibrahim. “’The Scottsboro Case’ and ‘Afrocentrism’.” Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender. Macmillan Reference. 2007. |
Publications, Book Chapters |
African American, Critical Race Theory, Race and Ethnicity |
Alys Eve Weinbaum. “Racial Aura: Walter Benjamin and the Work of Art in a Biotechnological Age.” Literature and Medicine, Vol 26.1 (Spring 2007): 207-239. |
Publications, Essays and Articles |
20th Century, 21st Century, Art History, Critical Race Theory, Critical Theory, Philosophy, Race and Ethnicity, Science and Technology |
The Last Darky: Bert Williams, Black on Black Minstrelsy and the African Diaspora (Duke University Press). |
Publications, Books |
African American, Caribbean, Diaspora Studies, Literary Criticism, Performance Studies, Postcolonial, Race and Ethnicity, Transatlantic |
The Last Darky: Bert Williams, Black on Black Minstrelsy and the African Diaspora (Duke University Press, 2006). |
Publications, Books |
19th Century, 20th Century, African American, Caribbean, Critical Race Theory, Diaspora Studies, Performance Studies, Postcolonial, Race and Ethnicity |
Alys Eve Weinbaum. Wayward Reproductions: Genealogies of Race and Nation in Trans-Atlantic Modern Thought. Duke University Press. 2004. |
Publications, Books |
Race and Ethnicity, Transatlantic |
Laura Chrisman. Postcolonial Contraventions: Cultural Readings of Race, Imperialism and Transnationalism. Manchester University Press. 2003. |
Publications, Books |
Postcolonial, Race and Ethnicity, Culture |
Monika Kaup. Mixing Race, Mixing Culture: Inter-American Literary Dialogues. Co-editor with Debra Rosenthal. U of Texas P. 2002. |
Publications, Books |
Race and Ethnicity |
Monika Kaup. Rewriting North American Borders in Chicano and Chicana Narrative. Peter Lang. 2001. |
Publications, Books |
Race and Ethnicity, Chicana/o |
Laura Chrisman. Editor. “The Rendez-Vous of Conquest”: Rethinking Race and Nation. Lawrence and Wishart. 2001. |
Publications, Books |
Race and Ethnicity, Critical Race Theory |
Alys Eve Weinbaum. “Reproducing Racial Globality: W.E.B Du Bois and the Sexual Politics of Black Internationalism.” Social Text 67 (Summer 2001): 15-41. |
Publications, Essays and Articles |
20th Century, African American, Critical Race Theory, Culture, Feminism and Feminist Theory, Race and Ethnicity |
David Shields. Black Planet: Facing Race During an NBA Season. Crown. 1999. |
Publications, Books |
African American, Race and Ethnicity |
Mark Patterson. “Surrogacy and Slavery: The Problematics of Consent in Baby M, Romance of the Republic, and Pudd’nhead Wilson.” American Literary History 8:3 (Fall 1996) 449-470. |
Publications, Essays and Articles |
Race and Ethnicity, Literary Criticism |