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  • Book cover for Mary Prince, Slavery, and Print Culture in the Anglophone Atlantic World
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Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
A Lesser Love (Louisiana State University Press, 2017). Publications, Books Culture, Diaspora Studies, History, Literature, Multilingualism, Poetry and Poetics, Race and Ethnicity, Transnational
David Shields. Other People: A Remix. Knopf. 2017. Publications, Books Novel/Prose Fiction
Sandhu, P. (2016). Professional Identity Constructions of Indian Women. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. (Series: Studies in Narrative, Series Editor: Michael Bamberg). Publications, Books Applied Linguistics, Discourse Analysis, English, Gender, Ideology, Language Policy, Narrative Analysis, Postcolonial, Research Methods
The Masters of the Revels and Elizabeth I's Court Theatre (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016) Publications, Books 16th Century, 17th Century, Drama, History, Shakespeare
Rai, Candice. Democracy's Lot: Rhetoric, Publics, and the Places of Invention. University of Alabama Press, 2016. Publications, Books Publics/Public Spheres, Rhetorical Theory, Space/Place, Urban Studies, Visual Culture
Don Chapman, Colette Moore, and Miranda Wilcox, eds.  2016.  Studies in the History of the English Language VII: Generalizing vs. particularizing methodologies in historical linguistic analysis.  Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, Topics in English Linguistics. Publications, Books History of the English Language, Language, Linguistics
Rai, Candice. Democracy's Lot: Rhetoric, Publics, and The Places of Invention. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2016 Publications, Books Publics/Public Spheres, Research Methods, Rhetorical Theory, Space/Place, Urban Studies
Cherniavsky, Eva.  Forhcoming 2016. Neocitizenship: Political Culture after Democracy.  New York: New York University Press.   Publications, Books 20th Century, American, Media Studies
The Sound of Culture: Diaspora and Black Technopoetics (Wesleyan University Press, 2016). Publications, Books 20th Century, African American, Caribbean, Critical Race Theory, Diaspora Studies, Film/Cinema, Music, Popular Culture, Postcolonial, Science Fiction
Juliet Shields, Nation and Migration: the making of British Atlantic Literature, 1765-1835 (Oxford University Press, 2016) Publications, Books 18th Century, 19th Century, American, American Indian/Native American, British, Canadian, Diaspora Studies, Literature, Transatlantic
Jesse Oak Taylor, The Sky of Our Manufacture: The London Fog in British Fiction from Dickens to Woolf (University of Virginia Press, 2016).  Publications, Books 19th Century, 20th Century, British, Ecocriticism, Environment, Literature, Novel/Prose Fiction, Science and Technology, Urban Studies
Blood Memory.  University of Pittsburgh Press, 2016. Publications, Books, Short Stories and Poems Creative Writing, Poetry and Poetics
That Thing You Do With Your Mouth (coauthor with Samantha Matthews), McSweeney's Books, 2015 Publications, Books Sexuality
David Shields, War Is Beautiful, powerHouse Books, 2015 Publications, Books Media Studies
Sonenberg, Maya. 26 Abductions. Lincoln, NE: The Cupboard Pamphlet, 2015. Publications, Books Creative Writing, Novel/Prose Fiction
Alexander, Edward. Jews against Themselves. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Transaction, 2015. Publications, Books Jewish Studies
Henry Staten. The Craft of Poetry: Dialogues on Minimal Interpretation. Co-authored with Derek Attridge. Routledge. 2015. Publications, Books Poetry and Poetics
David Shields. Life is Short—Art is Shorter. (Co-edited with Elizabeth Cooperman). Hawthorne Books. 2015. Publications, Books Nonfiction Prose
Kerschbaum, Stephanie. Toward a New Rhetoric of Difference. Urbana, IL: NCTE, 2014. Publications, Books Disability, Narrative Analysis, Rhetoric and Composition, Sociolinguistics, Writing Pedagogy
"The Demise of Virtue in Virtual America: The Moral Origins of the Great Recession," (Front Porch Republic) Publications, Books 20th Century, 21st Century, American, Culture, History, Media Studies, Nonfiction Prose
Aylor, Emma. Twos. Dancing Girl Press, 2014. Publications, Books Creative Writing
Aylor, Emma. Twos. Dancing Girl Press, 2014. Publications, Books Poetry and Poetics
The Demise of Virtue in Virtual America: The Moral Origins of the Great Recession (Front Porch Republic Books) Publications, Books 17th Century, 20th Century, 21st Century, American, History, Modernism
Motha, S. (2014). Race and empire in English language teaching. New York, NY: Teachers College Press, Columbia University. Winner, Critic’s Choice Book Award, American Educational Studies Association (AESA), 2015.Winner, Comparative and International Education Society’s (CIES) Globalization and Education SIG Book Award, 2015. Publications, Books Applied Linguistics
Linda Bierds. Roget’s Illusion. Putnam. 2014. Publications, Books Poetry and Poetics

