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Essays and Articles

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Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Sandhu, P. (2014). The interactional and narrative construction of normative and resistant discourses about Hindi and English. Applied Linguistics, 35(1), 29-47. Publications, Essays and Articles Applied Linguistics, Discourse Analysis, English, Gender, Ideology, Language Policy, Narrative Analysis, Postcolonial, Research Methods
Sandhu, P. (2014). ‘Who does she think she is?’ Vernacular medium and failed romance. Journal of Language, Identity, and Education, 13(1), 16–33. Publications, Essays and Articles Applied Linguistics, Discourse Analysis, English, Gender, Language Policy, Narrative Analysis, Postcolonial
Alys Eve Weinbaum. “Stuart Hall’s Relevance for the Study of Slavery in Biocapitalism.” Periscope, on-line forum for Social Text (Spring 2014). Publications, Essays and Articles 21st Century, Critical Race Theory, Intellectual History, Race and Ethnicity
Ottinger, Aaron. “Geometry, the Body, and Affect in Wordsworth&Apos;s The Ruined Cottage.” Essays in Romanticism, vol. 21, no. 2, 2014, pp. 159–178. Publications, Essays and Articles 18th Century, Affect, British, Education, Romanticism, Science and Technology
Jesse Oak Taylor, "Auras and Ice Cores: Atmospheric Archives and the Anthropocene," the minnesota review 83 (2014): 73-82.  Publications, Essays and Articles Archives, Ecocriticism, Environment, History, Science and Technology
"Transformations of Alienated Sexuality in Lawrence and Barnes." Atenea 34 (2014). Publications, Essays and Articles British
"Sleep and Insomnia in Levinas and Shakespeare's Henry IV." [SIC] Journal of Literature, Culture and Literary Translation 5.1 (2014). Publications, Essays and Articles Philosophy
"Singers, Psychos, and the Blues: Reading Affect and the Virtual Beyond the Cinematic Subject." Pennsylvania Literary Journal 5.3 (2014). Publications, Essays and Articles Film/Cinema
"Market Value and Victorian Hybrids: Dickens and Marx Against Latour." Theoretical Practice 3.13 (2014). Publications, Essays and Articles Critical Theory
“Null Appropriate: On the Untimeliness of the Avant-Garde.” Lana Turner no. 7 (2014): 315-19. Publications, Essays and Articles 21st Century, Experimental, Literary Criticism, Literature, Poetry and Poetics
Shivers-McNair, Ann. “(Becoming) At Ease: Teaching First-Year Writing on a Military Post.” (A vignette.) College Composition and Communication 66.2 (2014): 231-3. Print. Publications, Essays and Articles Rhetoric and Composition, Writing Pedagogy
Shivers-McNair, Ann and Joyce Olewski Inman. “Story-Changing Work and Asymmetrical Power Relationships in a Writing Center Partnership.” Basic Writing e-Journal 13.1 (Fall 2014): Special Issue on Basic Writing, Community Engagement, and Interdisciplinarity. Web. Publications, Essays and Articles Rhetoric and Composition, Writing Pedagogy
Gillian Harkins and Erica Meiners, “Beyond Crisis: College in Prison through the Abolition Undercommons,” “Theory” section of Lateral: Cultural Studies Association Journal (Spring 2014): online. Publications, Essays and Articles Education
Colette Moore. 2014. “A history of the English term onomatopoeia.” In Studies in the History of the English Language VI. Michael Adams, Rob Fulk, and Laurel Brinton, eds. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Publications, Essays and Articles English, History of the English Language, Linguistics
Chadwick Allen. “Tonto as Taxidermy.” Native American and Indigenous Studies 1.1 (Spring 2014). Publications, Essays and Articles American Indian/Native American, Indigenous
“Afterworlds: Thomas Middleton, the Book, and the Genre of Continuation.” In Formal Matters: Reading the Forms of Early Modern Texts. Ed. Allison Deutermann and András Kiséry. Manchester University Press, 2013. 77-96. Publications, Essays and Articles 17th Century, Renaissance, Textual Studies
Sonenberg, Maya. "Not-Knowing and the Proliferation of Plot, or On Reading ‘The Babysitter’ for the 34th Time.” FlashPoint: A Multidisciplinary Journal in the Arts and Politics 15 (Spring 2013): n. pag. Web. Publications, Essays and Articles Creative Writing, Literary Criticism, Nonfiction Prose, Postmodern
Alan Williams. "The Curious Case of Mormons and LGBT Rights." Religion Dispatches (March 26, 2013). Publications, Essays and Articles Law, Public Scholarship, Sexuality
"Guerrilla Poetry: Ashbery, Deleuze, Harman, and the Allure of the Object." Lamar Journal of the Humanities 38.1 (2013). Publications, Essays and Articles Poetry and Poetics
"Signifying Truth: Augustine, Lacan, and a Theory of Language." Language & Psychoanalysis 2.2 (2013). Publications, Essays and Articles Philosophy
“Some Old Dream of Kinship: Christopher Brennan’s Poems (1913) and Modernism’s Place.” Lingua Humanitatis 15.3 (December 2013): 123-39. Publications, Essays and Articles 20th Century, Literary Criticism, Literature, Modernism, Poetry and Poetics
Jesse Oak Taylor. “Powers of Zero: Aggregation, Negation, and the Dimensions of Scale in Indra Sinha’s Animal’s People.” Literature and Medicine 31:2 (Fall 2013), 177-198. Publications, Essays and Articles Literature
“Victorian Literature, Religion, and Secularization.” Literature Compass 10:3 (2013): 277-287. Publications, Essays and Articles 19th Century, Literature
Jesse Oak Taylor. “The Novel as Climate Model: Reading the Greenhouse Effect in Bleak House.” Novel: A Forum on Fiction 46:1 (Spring 2013), 1-25. Publications, Essays and Articles Literature, Environment
Gillian Harkins, “Access or Justice? Inside-Out and Transformative Education,” Turning Teaching Inside Out: A Pedagogy of Transformation for Community-Based Education , Eds. Simone Davis and Barbara Roswell (Palgrave, December 2013): 187-196. Publications, Essays and Articles Education

