
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Rhema Hokama, Devotional Experience and Erotic Knowledge in the Literature Culture of the English Reformation (Oxford University Press, 2023). Publications, Books
George, Emily. “The Devil at the Edge of This Book: Intertextual Ecologies of Early Modern Crime Narratives.” Early Theatre 26, no. 2 (2023): 147–63. doi:10.12745/et.26.2.5528. Publications, Essays and Articles
George, Emily C. “Half-Persuaded Converts and Partial Turns in Fletcher’s The Island Princess.” Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies 21, no. 3 (2021): 65–94. doi:10.1353/jem.2021.0019. Publications, Essays and Articles
Colette Moore. 2021. "Before quotation marks: parentheses as punctuation of represented speech in early print." Speech Representation in the History of English. Peter Grund and Terry Walker, eds. Oxford University Press. 29-50. Publications, Essays and Articles
“The Scale of Book History: Data, Distance, Description.” In The Oxford Handbook to the History of the Book in Early Modern England. Ed. Adam Smyth. Oxford University Press, 2021. Publications, Essays and Articles
Colette Moore. 2019. "The path not taken: parentheses and written direct speech in Early Modern printed books."  Punctuation in Context –Past and Present Perspectives.  Merja Kytö and Claudia Claridge, eds.  Bern: Peter Lang. 85-101. Publications, Essays and Articles
“Economies of Scale: Shakespeare and Book History.” Literature Compass 14:6 (2017): doi: 10.1111/lic3.12393. Publications, Essays and Articles
The Masters of the Revels and Elizabeth I's Court Theatre (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016) Publications, Books
“Organizing Manuscript and Print: From Compilatio to Compilation.” In The Medieval Manuscript Book: Cultural Approaches. Ed. Michael Johnston and Michael Van Dussen. Cambridge University Press, 2015. 77-95. Publications, Essays and Articles
“Needles and Pens: Sewing in Early English Books.” Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 45:3 (2015): 523-542. Publications, Essays and Articles
Colette Moore. 2013. Testifying to Language and Life in Early Modern England. For English Studies 94:5. 624-625. Publications, Reviews
Colette Moore. 2012. “Early Modern English: Literary Language.” In Historical Linguistics of English. vol. 1. Alexander Bergs and Laurel Brinton, eds. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 791-807. Publications, Essays and Articles
Monika Kaup. Baroque New Worlds: Representation, Transculturation, Counterconquest. Co-edited with Lois Parkinson Zamora. Duke UP. 2010. Publications, Edited Collections
Colette Moore, Richard W. Bailey, and Marilyn Miller, eds. 2006. A London Provisioner’s Chronicle, 1550–1563, by Henry Machyn: Manuscript, Transcription, and Modernization. University of Michigan Press and the Scholarly Publishing Office of the University of Michigan University Library.  Electronic edition. Publications, Books
John Webster. “The Elizabethan Age Portfolio: Using Writing to Teach Shorter Elizabethan Poetry.” For Teaching Shorter Elizabethan Poetry. Patrick Cheney and Anne Prescott, eds. MLA. 2000, 145-149. Publications, Book Chapters
Court Revels, 1485-1559 (Toronto, Buffalo, London: University of Toronto Press, 1994) Publications, Books
William Streitberger. Court Revels, 1485-1559. University of Toronto Press. 1994. Publications, Books
John Webster. “Challenging the Commonplace: Teaching as Conversation in Spenser’s Legend of Temperance.” Approaches to Teaching The Faerie Queene. David L. Miller, ed. MLA. 1994, 82-92. Publications, Book Chapters
Edmond Tyllney, Topographical Descriptions, Regiments, and Policies (New York & London: Garland, 1991) Publications, Books
Edmond Tyllney Master of the Revels and Censor of Plays, A Descriptive Index  (New York; AMS Pres, 1986) Publications, Books
 "Adult Playing Companies to 1583", The Oxford Handbook of Early Modern Theatre, ed. Richard Dutton (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009)  Publications, Book Chapters