
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Habiba Ibrahim and Badia Ahad, "Introduction: Black Temporality in Times of Crisis." South Atlantic Quarterly special issue, "Black Temporality in Times of Crisis," edited by Badia Ahad and Habiba Ibrahim, 121.2 (2022). Publications, Essays and Articles
Kumler, David. "Reanimating Lovecraft: Racism and Ontological Terror in Victor LaValle’s The Ballad of Black Tom.Aeternum: The Journal of Contemporary Gothic Studies, vol. 8, no. 1, 2021, pp. 45-60. Publications, Essays and Articles
Habiba Ibrahim. Black Age: Oceanic Lifespans and the Time of Black Life. New York University Press, 2021. Publications, Books
“Writing The Cow: Poetry, Activism & The Texts of Meat.” Auto/Biography Studies. 2020. (Issue republished by Routledge as a book, 2021.) Publications, Book Chapters
“Burning Out: Writing and the Self in the Era of Terminal Productivity.” Enculturation: A Journal of Rhetoric, Writing, and Culture. February 2020. Publications, Essays and Articles
Alys Eve Weinbaum. “Denaturalized Reproduction is Still Racialized Reproduction.” The Boston Review, on-line forum for special issue on “Future Feminism.”  (Spring, 2019).  Publications, Essays and Articles
Lenk, Jerico. The Missing, Month 9 Books, 2018. Publications, Books
Alys Eve Weinbaum. “The Modern Girl Around the World and Transnational Feminist Methodology.” Co-authored with Priti Ramamurthy.  Special Issue in English/Turkish.  Modus Operandi:  Journal of Relational Social Sciences (Spring, 2017). Publications, Essays and Articles
A Lesser Love (Louisiana State University Press, 2017). Publications, Books
Alys Eve Weinbaum. Review of Clinical Labor:  Tissue Donors and Research Subjects in the Global Bioeconomy.  Work, Employment and Society Review 30.6 (2016):  1042-1044.  Publications, Reviews
Gillian Harkins, “Sisters at the Gate: Mean Girls and Other Sibling Phenomena,” Juliet Mitchell: Reflections, Eds. Robbie Duschinsky and Susan Walker (Palgrave-MacMillan, 2015): 229-254. Publications, Essays and Articles
Allen, Chadwick. “Re-scripting Indigenous America: Earthworks in Native Art, Literature, Community.” Twenty-First Century Perspectives on Indigenous Studies: Native North America in (Trans)Motion. Ed. Birgit Daewes, Karsten Fitz, and Sabine N. Meyer. New York and London: Routledge. 2015. Publications, Book Chapters
"The Demise of Virtue in Virtual America: The Moral Origins of the Great Recession," (Front Porch Republic) Publications, Books
Allen, Chadwick. “Introduction: Locating the Society of American Indians.” The Society of American Indians and Its Legacies. Ed. Chadwick Allen and Beth H. Piatote. Special combined issue, Studies in American Indian Literatures (25.2) and American Indian Quarterly 37.3. (Summer 2013). Publications, Book Chapters
Habiba Ibrahim. Troubling the Family: The Promise of Personhood and the Rise of Multiracialism. University of Minnesota Press, 2012. Publications, Books
Daniel C. Taylor, Carl E. Taylor, and Jesse Oak Taylor, Empowerment on an Unstable Planet: From Seeds of Human Energy to a Scale of Global Change (Oxford University Press, 2011).  Publications, Books
Allen, Chadwick. “Omnimedia Marketing: The Case of The Lone Ranger.” A Companion to the Literature and Culture of the American West. Ed. Nicolas S. Witschi. Oxford, UK and Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. 2011. Publications, Book Chapters
Allen, Chadwick. “Serpentine Figures, Sinuous Relations: Thematic Geometry in Allison Hedge Coke’s Blood Run.” American Literature 82.4 (December 2010). Publications, Essays and Articles
Gillian Harkins, Everybody's Family Romance: Reading Incest in Neoliberal America (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2009). Publications, Books
Kathleen Woodward. “The Future of the Humanities—in the present & in public.” Daedalus 138 (Winter 2009): 110-123. Publications, Essays and Articles
Allen, Chadwick. “Tonto on Vacation, or How to Be an Indian Lawyer.” Canadian Review of American Studies 39.2 (2009). Publications, Essays and Articles
Leroy Searle. “Textual Authority, Textual Integrity: The Cultural Importance of Editorial Ethics.” Text of Power, the Power of the Text. Ed. By Cezary Galewicz. Homini. (2006), 15-34. Publications, Book Chapters
Alys Eve Weinbaum.  "Towards a New Feminist Internationalism." Co-author with Miranda Joseph and Priti Ramamurthy.  Women Studies for the Future.  Rutgers University Press, 2005. Publications, Book Chapters
Laura Chrisman. Postcolonial Contraventions: Cultural Readings of Race, Imperialism and Transnationalism. Manchester University Press. 2003. Publications, Books
Norman Wacker. “Home and Away: Decentering and the City.” Arcade Art/Design in the Northwest: Image and Identity Vol. 21, Number One; Autumn 2002, p. 17-18. Publications, Essays and Articles