
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Habiba Ibrahim, "Caliban, His Woman, and the Gendered (In)humanism of Wild Seed." Anthropology and Humanism, 2022, Publications, Essays and Articles
“Bhanu Kapil’s Schizophrene Poetics: Disability, Dispossession, and Diaspora,” Neocolonialism, Displacement, and Trauma: Engaged Criticism in Contemporary Literature, Ed. Kate Rose, Routledge Press, Feb 2020. (peer-reviewed). Publications, Book Chapters
Migration and Modernities: the state of being stateless, 1750-1850 (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2019) Publications, Edited Collections
Taranath, Anu. Beyond Guilt Trips: Mindful Travel in an Unequal World. (Between the Lines Press: Toronto), 2019.  Publications, Books
Dr. Satan's Echo Chamber: Essays in Dub (forthcoming, Wesleyan University Press) Publications, Books
A Lesser Love (Louisiana State University Press, 2017). Publications, Books
K. Merinda Simmons. Changing the Subject: Writing Women Across the African Diaspora for Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature 35.1. Publications, Reviews
The Sound of Culture: Diaspora and Black Technopoetics (Wesleyan University Press, 2016). Publications, Books
Juliet Shields, Nation and Migration: the making of British Atlantic Literature, 1765-1835 (Oxford University Press, 2016) Publications, Books
Edelman, Rachel. "For We Were Slaves." Day One 23 December 2015. ebook. Publications, Short Stories and Poems
“To Venture Outward: Sueyeun Juliette Lee’s ‘Korea’.” Arcade, Stanford University, August 2015. Web. Publications, Essays and Articles
The Last Darky: Bert Williams, Black on Black Minstrelsy and the African Diaspora (Duke University Press). Publications, Books
The Last Darky: Bert Williams, Black on Black Minstrelsy and the African Diaspora (Duke) Publications, Books
The Last Darky: Bert Williams, Black on Black Minstrelsy and the African Diaspora (Duke University Press, 2006). Publications, Books
Alexander, Edward, and Bogdanor, Paul. The Jewish Divide over Israel : Accusers and Defenders. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction, 2006. Publications, Edited Collections