
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
George, Emily. “The Devil at the Edge of This Book: Intertextual Ecologies of Early Modern Crime Narratives.” Early Theatre 26, no. 2 (2023): 147–63. doi:10.12745/et.26.2.5528. Publications, Essays and Articles
Gilbert, Alycia. “‘The Same Events Revolve in the Cycles of Time’: Adapting Imperial Violence in Wilkie Collins’s The Moonstone.” South Atlantic Review, vol. 84, no. 4, 2023, pp. 26-. Publications, Essays and Articles
George, Emily C. “Half-Persuaded Converts and Partial Turns in Fletcher’s The Island Princess.” Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies 21, no. 3 (2021): 65–94. doi:10.1353/jem.2021.0019. Publications, Essays and Articles
Matthew Poland, “Commemorative Print: Serialized Monuments during the Shakespeare Tercentenary Debates,” Journal of Victorian Culture 26.1 (April 2021), 1-23. Publications, Essays and Articles
The Masters of the Revels and Elizabeth I's Court Theatre (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016) Publications, Books
Thomas Lockwood. “Henry Fielding: The Comic Epic in Prose.” The Cambridge Companion to European Novelists. Ed. Mchael Bell. Cambridge University Press. 2012. Publications, Book Chapters
Thomas Lockwood. Henry Fielding. Plays. Volume 3, 1734-1742, Editor. Clarendon Press, Oxford. 2011. Publications, Books
Thomas Lockwood. Henry Fielding. Plays. Volume 2, 1731-1734, Editor. Clarendon Press, Oxford. 2007. Publications, Books
Thomas Lockwood. Henry Fielding. Plays. Volume 1, 1728-1731, Editor. Clarendon Press, Oxford. 2004. Publications, Books
Drama, Classical to Contemporary, revised edition (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2001) Publications, Books
William Streitberger and John Coldewey. Drama: Classical to Contemporary, rev ed. Prentice Hall. 2001. Publications, Books
John Coldewey. “Secrets of God’s Creatures: Talking Animals in Medieval Drama.” European Medieval Drama 1998 Papers from the Third International Conference on Aspects of European Medieval Drama. Vol. 3, ed. Sydney Higgins. Camerino. 2000. 215-232. Publications, Book Chapters
Drama, Classical to Contemporary (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1998) Publications, Books
John Coldewey. Drama, Classic to Contemporary. Co-edited with W. R. Streitberger. Prentice Hall. 1998. rev. ed. 2001. Publications, Books
John Coldewey. “The Way Things (Never) Were: Spiritual Nostalgia in Medieval English Plays.” European Medieval Drama 1997: Papers from the Second International Conference on ‘Aspects of European Medieval Drama. Vol. 2, ed. Sydney Higgins. Camerino. 1997. 41-68. Publications, Book Chapters
Court Revels, 1485-1559 (Toronto, Buffalo, London: University of Toronto Press, 1994) Publications, Books
 "Adult Playing Companies to 1583", The Oxford Handbook of Early Modern Theatre, ed. Richard Dutton (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009)  Publications, Book Chapters