
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
“Palpable Stoppages: Rae Armantrout’s Poetics of Silence.” Foreign Literature Studies [外国文学研究] 43.3 (June 2021): 13-32. Publications, Essays and Articles
O–(ezekiel’s wife). Print Poetry Book featuring "Hewn Fruit" in collaboration with Colleen Burner, GASHER Journal and Press, November 2019.Audiobook edition of O–(ezekiel’s wife) produced with Digital Sound Artist Judith Twedt to feature “climate change soundscapes” with poetry readings, GASHER Journal and Press, March 2020. Publications, Books
“Now That’s Poetry: Vito Acconci, Conceptual Writing, and Poetic Nominalism.” Inciting Poetics: Thinking and Writing Poetry, ed. Jeanne Heuving and Tyrone Williams. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2019. 192-224. Publications, Book Chapters
“Another Dimension: Sweeney Reed’s Visual Poetics.” Antipodes 32.1-2 (2018): 195-208 Publications, Essays and Articles
“’Feels Deeply / Cannot Understand’: John Ashbery, The Tennis Court Oath and Queer Affect.” Journal of Foreign Languages and Cultures 2.1 (June 2018): 1-7. Publications, Essays and Articles
"Give Them What They Want: Populist Rhetoric in Conceptual Art and Writing.” Postscript: Writing after Conceptual Art, ed. Andrea Andersson. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2018. 152-67. Publications, Book Chapters
“Sherwin Bitsui’s Blank Dictionary: Navajo Poetics and Non-Indigenous Readers.” The Fate of Difficulty in the Poetry of Our Time, ed. Charles Altieri and Nicholas Nace. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2017. 189-99. Publications, Book Chapters
"Setting a Poem: A. J. Carruthers’ ‘Music, After Michael Dransfield.’" Foreign Literature Studies [外国文学研究] 39.3 (June 2017): 7-15. Publications, Essays and Articles
“Stanisław Dróżdż: From Conceptual Poem to Concept-Shape.” Jacket2. University of Pennsylvania. 5 February 2016. Web. Publications, Essays and Articles
“Somewhere Bluebirds Fly: Jackson Mac Low Directs a Poetry Reading.” Amodern no. 4 (Spring 2015). Web. Publications, Essays and Articles
“To Venture Outward: Sueyeun Juliette Lee’s ‘Korea’.” Arcade, Stanford University, August 2015. Web. Publications, Essays and Articles
“On Mary Ellen Solt’s ‘Forsythia.’” Coldfront. 9 November 2015. Web. Publications, Essays and Articles
“The New York School.” The Cambridge History of American Poetry, eds. Alfred Bendixen and Stephen Burt. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014. 844-68. Publications, Book Chapters
“Null Appropriate: On the Untimeliness of the Avant-Garde.” Lana Turner no. 7 (2014): 315-19. Publications, Essays and Articles
Nobody's Business: Twenty-First Century Avant-Garde Poetics. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2013. Publications, Books
“Becoming Marjorie Perloff.” Jacket2. Kelly Writers House, 8 November 2012. Web. Publications, Essays and Articles
“Hard Going: Resisting the Fantasy of Distance’s Irrelevance.” Hyperrhiz no.7 (Spring 2010). Web. Publications, Essays and Articles
“Twentieth-century Poetry and the New York Art World.” A Concise Companion to Twentieth-century American Poetry, ed. Stephen Fredman. Oxford: Blackwell, 2005. 113-34. Publications, Book Chapters
"Eden or Ebb of the Sea’: Susan Howe’s Word Squares and Postlinear Poetics.” Postmodern Culture 14.2 (January 2004). Web. Publications, Essays and Articles
Situating El Lissitzky: Vitebsk, Berlin, Moscow, ed. Nancy Perloff and Brian Reed. Los Angeles: Getty Research Institute, 2003. Publications, Edited Collections