
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Wilson, J.A. (2023). Translation's Value to Queer Orientations to Technical Communication: On Claims to Interpretive Authority. Technical Communication and Social Justice.  Publications, Essays and Articles
Wilson, J.A. & Portz, J.R. (2022). On the labor of writing transfer: Bodies and borderland discourses in translation. In K.P. Alexander, M. Davis, L.W. Mina, & R.P. Shepherd (Eds.), Multimodal composing and writing transfer. Logan, UT: Utah State UP.  Publications, Book Chapters
Anis Bawarshi and Mary Jo Reiff. “’How to Turn Accumulated Knowledge into Action’: Uptake, Public Petitions, and the Climate Change Debate.” In Genres of the Climate Debate.  Eds Sune Auken and Christel Sunesen. de Gruyter, 2021. 150-178. Publications, Book Chapters
“The Work of Mobility.” In Mobility Work in Composition: Translation, Migration, Transformation. Eds. Bruce Horner, Megan Faver Hartline, Ashanka Kumari, and Laura Sceniak Matravers. Logan: Utah State UP/University of Colorado Press, 2021. Publications, Book Chapters
O–(ezekiel’s wife). Print Poetry Book featuring "Hewn Fruit" in collaboration with Colleen Burner, GASHER Journal and Press, November 2019.Audiobook edition of O–(ezekiel’s wife) produced with Digital Sound Artist Judith Twedt to feature “climate change soundscapes” with poetry readings, GASHER Journal and Press, March 2020. Publications, Books
Wilson, J.A. & Soblo, H. (2020). Transfer and transformation in multilingual student writing. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 44(1), 1-13.   Publications, Essays and Articles
Jaccard, Erik. "Not Death, but Annihilation": Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four and the Catastrophe of Englishness." Critical Insights: Nineteen Eighty-Four. Ed. Thomas Horan. Ipswich, Mass: Salem Press, 2016. 98-112.  Publications, Book Chapters
Anis Bawarshi. “Beyond the Genre Fixation: A Translingual Perspective on Genre.” College English 78.3 (Spring 2016): 243-249. Publications, Essays and Articles
Anis Bawarshi. “Between Genres: Uptake, Memory, and U.S. Public Discourse on Israel-Palestine.” Genre and the Performance of Publics. Eds. Mary Jo Reiff and Anis Bawarshi. Logan: Utah State University Press/University of Colorado Press, 2016. 43-59. Publications, Book Chapters
Anis Bawarshi. “Accounting for Genre Performances: Why Uptake Matters.” Trends and Traditions in Genre Studies. Eds. Natasha Artemeva and Aviva Freedman. Edmonton, AB, Canada: Inkshed Publications, 2016 Publications, Book Chapters
Mary Jo Reiff and Anis Bawarshi. Genre and the Performance of Publics. Logan: Utah State University Press/University of Colorado Press, 2016. Publications, Edited Collections
Anis Bawarshi. “Discourse on the Israel-Palestine Conflict: Rhetorical Memory and Uptake.” Toward a Critical Rhetoric on the Israel-Palestine Conflict. Ed. Matthew Abraham. West Lafayette, Indiana: Parlor Press, 2015. 7-20. Publications, Book Chapters
Mary Jo Reiff and Anis Bawarshi. “Tracing Discursive Resources: How Students Use Prior Genre Knowledge to Negotiate New Writing Contexts in First-Year Composition.” Written Communication 28.3 (July 2011): 312-337. Publications, Essays and Articles
Anis Bawarshi. “The Challenges and Possibilities of Taking-Up Multiple Discursive Resources in U.S. College Composition.” Cross-Language Relations in Composition.  Eds. Bruce Horner, Min-zhan Lu, and Paul Kei Matsuda.  Southern Illinois UP, 2010.  196-203. Publications, Book Chapters
Anis Bawarshi and Mary Jo Reiff. Genre: An Introduction to History, Theory, Research, and Pedagogy. West Lafayette, Indiana: Parlor Press and WAC Clearinghouse. 2010. Publications, Books
Anis Bawarshi. “Genres as Forms of In[ter]vention.”  Originality, Imitation, Plagiarism: Teaching Writing in the Digital Age. Eds. Caroline Eisner and Martha Vicinus.  U of Michigan P, 2008.  79-89.  Publications, Book Chapters
Anis Bawarshi, Amy J. Devitt, and Mary Jo Reiff. Scenes of Writing: Strategies for Writing with Genres. Addison Wesley Longman. 2004. Publications, Books
Anis Bawarshi. Genre and the Invention of the Writer: Reconsidering the Place of Invention in Composition. Utah State Univ. Press. 2003. Publications, Books
Anis Bawarshi. “The Ecology of Genre.”  Ecocomposition: Theoretical and Pedagogical Approaches. Eds. Sidney I. Dobrin and Christian R. Weisser.  New York: State University of New York Press, 2001.  69-80.  Publications, Book Chapters
Anis Bawarshi. “The Ecology of Genre.” Ecocomposition: Theoretical and Pedagogical Approaches. Eds. Sidney I. Dobrin and Christian R. Weisser. State University of NY Press. (2001) 69-80. Publications, Book Chapters
Anis Bawarshi. “The Genre Function.” College English 62.3 (January 2000): 327-52. Publications, Essays and Articles
Anis Bawarshi. “Beyond Dichotomy: Toward a Theory of Divergence in Composition Studies.” JAC: A Journal of Composition Theory 17.1 (1997): 69-82.  Publications, Essays and Articles
Wilson, J.A. (In Press). Distributing the labor of translation in the context of graduate education in writing studies. In N. Bou Ayash and C.B. Kilfoil (Eds.), Translingual and transnational graduate education in rhetoric and composition. Boulder, CO: University of Colorado Press. Publications, Book Chapters