
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Kir, F. S. (2024). English-medium instruction (EMI) as the great (un)equaliser: experiences of former EMI students in Turkey. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development.  Publications, Essays and Articles
Wilson, Jacob. Best Practices for a Translingual Pedagogy: An Undergraduate Perspective, Young Scholars in Writing, vol. 18, 2021. Publications, Essays and Articles
Sumyat Thu and Suhanthie Motha. “Transnational Agency: Enacting through Intersectionality and Transracialization.” Transnational Identities, Pedagogies, and Practices in English Language Teaching: Critical Inquiries from Diverse Practitioners. Multilingual Matters. 2021. Publications, Book Chapters
Bou Ayash, Nancy. "Beyond Disciplinary Divides: Coming to Terms with the Centrality of Translation." Reconciling Translingualism and Second Language Writing edited by Tony Silva and Zhaozhe Wang, 2021. Publications, Book Chapters
Bou Ayash, Nancy. "Critical Translation and Paratextuality: Translingual and Anti-Racist Pedagogical Possibilities for Multilingual Writers." Promoting Social Justice for Multilingual Writers on College Campuses, special issue of Composition Forum, vol. 44, 2020.   Publications, Essays and Articles
Sandhu. P. (2019). English language instructors, medium of education, and professional agency: An Indian perspective. In H. Kayi-Aydar, X. Gao, E. Miller, M. Varghese & G. Vitanova (Eds.). Theorizing and Analyzing Language Teacher Agency (pp: 237-256)Bristol, UK and Blue Ridge Summit, PA, USA: Multilingual Matters. Publications, Book Chapters
Karki, J. (2018). Is English Medium Instruction Working? A Case Study of Nepalese Community Schools in Mt. Everest Region. In English Language Teaching in Nepal: Research, Reflection and Practice (pp. 203–216). British Council. Publications, Book Chapters
“Performing Rhetorical Analysis” & "Strategic Organization", Writer, Thinker, Maker: Approaches to Composition, ed. Stephanie Hankinson, AJ Burgin, Candice Rai, Bedford/St. Martin 2017.  Publications, Book Chapters
Juan Guerra. “Cultivating Transcultural Citizenship in a Discursive Democracy.” Texts of Consequence: Composing Social Activism for the Classroom and the Community (Research and Teaching in Rhetoric and Composition). Eds. Christopher Wilkey and Nicholas Mauriello. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press. 2012. Publications, Book Chapters
Sandra Silberstein. Reader’s Choice. With Clarke and Dobson. 5th ed. University of Michigan Press. 2008. Publications, Books
Suhanthie Motha. “Out of the Safety Zone.” Color, Race, and English Language Teaching: Shades of Meaning. Eds., A. Curtis and M. Romney. Lawrence Erlbaum. (2006). Publications, Book Chapters
Suhanthie Motha. “Racializing ESOL Teacher Identities in U.S. K-12 Public Schools.” TESOL Quarterly 40, 3 (2006). Publications, Essays and Articles
Suhanthie Motha. “Decolonizing ESOL: Negotiating Linguistic Power in U.S. Public School Classrooms.” Critical Inquiry in Language Studies 3, 2&3, pp 75-100 (2006). Publications, Essays and Articles
Sandra Silberstein. Choice Readings. With Clarke and Dobson. 2nd ed.University of Michigan Press. (in press). Publications, Books