Author/Title |
Research Type |
Related Fields |
"Eden or Ebb of the Sea’: Susan Howe’s Word Squares and Postlinear Poetics.” Postmodern Culture 14.2 (January 2004). Web. |
Publications, Essays and Articles |
20th Century, 21st Century, American, Experimental, Literary Criticism, Poetry and Poetics, Visual Culture, Women Writers |
“Carl Sandburg’s The People, Yes, Thirties Modernism, and the Problem of Bad Political Poetry.” Texas Studies in Language and Literature 46.2 (Summer 2004): 181-212. |
Publications, Essays and Articles |
20th Century, American, Literary Criticism, Modernism, Poetry and Poetics |
“Hart Crane’s Victrola.” Modernism/modernity 7.1 (January 2000): 99-125. |
Publications, Essays and Articles |
20th Century, American, Literary Criticism, Modernism, Poetry and Poetics |
Miceal Vaughan. “Creating Comfortable Boundaries: Scribes, Editors, and the Invention of the Parson’s Tale.” Rewriting Chaucer: Culture, Authority, and the Idea of the Authentic Text, 1400-1602. Ed. Thomas A. Prendergast and Barbara Kline. Ohio State Press. 1999. |
Publications, Book Chapters |
Middle English, Literary Criticism |
Mark Patterson. with Priscilla Wald. “Themes, Topics, Criticism.” American Literary Scholarship: An Annual 1996. Duke University Press. 1998. |
Publications, Book Chapters |
Literary Criticism |
“Ezra Pound’s Utopia of the Eye: The Chinese Characters in the Rock-Drill Cantos.” Paideuma 26 (Fall-Winter 1997): 111-21. |
Publications, Essays and Articles |
20th Century, American, Literary Criticism, Modernism, Poetry and Poetics, Visual Culture |
Mark Patterson. “Surrogacy and Slavery: The Problematics of Consent in Baby M, Romance of the Republic, and Pudd’nhead Wilson.” American Literary History 8:3 (Fall 1996) 449-470. |
Publications, Essays and Articles |
Race and Ethnicity, Literary Criticism |
Miceal Vaughan. Suche Werkis To Werche: Essays on Piers Plowman in honor of David C. Fowler. Colleagues Press. 1993. |
Publications, Books |
Middle English, Literary Criticism |
Miceal Vaughan. “’Til I gan Awake’: The Conversion of Dreamer into Narrator in Piers Plowman B.” The Yearbook of Langland Studies 5 (1991), 175-92. |
Publications, Essays and Articles |
Middle English, Literary Criticism |
Katherine Cummings. Telling Tales: The Hysteric’s Seduction in Fiction and Theory. Stanford Univ. Press. 1991. |
Publications, Books |
Sexuality, Literary Criticism, History |
Hushagen, Sam. "Paradise Regain'd and the Prospects of Enlightenment." Milton Quarterly 56. 3-4 (2022): 137-152 |
Publications, Essays and Articles |
17th Century, 18th Century, Literary Criticism, Poetry and Poetics |
Badia Ahad and Habiba Ibrahim, eds. South Atlantic Quarterly special issue, "Black Temporality in Times of Crisis," 121.1 (2022) |
Publications, Edited Collections |
20th Century, 21st Century, African American, Culture, Literary Criticism |
Habiba Ibrahim. "Mixed Race." Keywords for African American Studies. New York University Press, 2018. |
Publications, Book Chapters |
20th Century, African American, Culture, Literary Criticism |