
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
"Eden or Ebb of the Sea’: Susan Howe’s Word Squares and Postlinear Poetics.” Postmodern Culture 14.2 (January 2004). Web. Publications, Essays and Articles
“Carl Sandburg’s The People, Yes, Thirties Modernism, and the Problem of Bad Political Poetry.” Texas Studies in Language and Literature 46.2 (Summer 2004): 181-212. Publications, Essays and Articles
“Hart Crane’s Victrola.” Modernism/modernity 7.1 (January 2000): 99-125. Publications, Essays and Articles
Miceal Vaughan. “Creating Comfortable Boundaries: Scribes, Editors, and the Invention of the Parson’s Tale.” Rewriting Chaucer: Culture, Authority, and the Idea of the Authentic Text, 1400-1602. Ed. Thomas A. Prendergast and Barbara Kline. Ohio State Press. 1999. Publications, Book Chapters
Mark Patterson. with Priscilla Wald. “Themes, Topics, Criticism.” American Literary Scholarship: An Annual 1996. Duke University Press. 1998. Publications, Book Chapters
“Ezra Pound’s Utopia of the Eye: The Chinese Characters in the Rock-Drill Cantos.” Paideuma 26 (Fall-Winter 1997): 111-21. Publications, Essays and Articles
Mark Patterson. “Surrogacy and Slavery: The Problematics of Consent in Baby M, Romance of the Republic, and Pudd’nhead Wilson.” American Literary History 8:3 (Fall 1996) 449-470. Publications, Essays and Articles
Miceal Vaughan. Suche Werkis To Werche: Essays on Piers Plowman in honor of David C. Fowler. Colleagues Press. 1993. Publications, Books
Miceal Vaughan. “’Til I gan Awake’: The Conversion of Dreamer into Narrator in Piers Plowman B.” The Yearbook of Langland Studies 5 (1991), 175-92. Publications, Essays and Articles
Katherine Cummings. Telling Tales: The Hysteric’s Seduction in Fiction and Theory. Stanford Univ. Press. 1991. Publications, Books
Hushagen, Sam. "Paradise Regain'd and the Prospects of Enlightenment." Milton Quarterly 56. 3-4 (2022): 137-152  Publications, Essays and Articles
Badia Ahad and Habiba Ibrahim, eds. South Atlantic Quarterly special issue, "Black Temporality in Times of Crisis," 121.1 (2022) Publications, Edited Collections
Habiba Ibrahim. "Mixed Race." Keywords for African American Studies. New York University Press, 2018. Publications, Book Chapters