
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Kir, F. S. (2024). Intersectionality of sexuality, ethnicity, and ‘(non-) native-speakerness’: a narrative inquiry of a gay Kurdish ESL teacher in Canada. Language and Education. 38(2). 237-250. Publications, Essays and Articles
Gilbert, Alycia. “‘The Same Events Revolve in the Cycles of Time’: Adapting Imperial Violence in Wilkie Collins’s The Moonstone.” South Atlantic Review, vol. 84, no. 4, 2023, pp. 26-. Publications, Essays and Articles
Lamptey, L.O., & Dumavor, R. (2021). Writing in the West African Context. Composition Studies, 49(3), 133-138. Publications, Essays and Articles
Sandhu. P. (2019). English language instructors, medium of education, and professional agency: An Indian perspective. In H. Kayi-Aydar, X. Gao, E. Miller, M. Varghese & G. Vitanova (Eds.). Theorizing and Analyzing Language Teacher Agency (pp: 237-256)Bristol, UK and Blue Ridge Summit, PA, USA: Multilingual Matters. Publications, Book Chapters
Sandhu, P. (2019). Constructing desirable brides: Membership categorization, medium of education and arranged marriages. Pragmatics and Society. Special Issue Edited by M. Prior and S. Talmy. Publications, Essays and Articles
Jhingran, Nanya. “A Geography Animated with Intentions: Reclaiming Indigenous Vitality through Land-Based Decolonial Struggles in Frantz Fanon’s Algeria Writings.” Language, Literature, and Interdisciplinary Studies, vol. 2, no. 4, 2019, pp. 53–71. Publications, Essays and Articles
Sandhu, P. (2018). English medium education, patriarchy, and emerging social structures: Narratives of Indian women. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 253, 55-78. Publications, Essays and Articles
Taylor, Jesse Oak. "Wilderness After Nature: Conrad, Empire, and the Anthropocene" in Lissa Scheider Rebozo, Jefferey Mathes McCarthey, and John G. Peters, Eds., Conrad and Nature (London: Routledge, 2018).  Publications, Book Chapters
Kaelie Giffel, "Historical Violence and Modernist Forms in Zoë Wicomb's David's Story," Twentieth-Century Literature, 64.1 (March 2018): 53-78. Publications, Essays and Articles
Sandhu, P., & Higgins, C. (2016). Identity in post-colonial contexts. In S. Preece (Ed.),The Routledge Handbook of Language and Identity (pp. 179-194). London and New York: Routledge. Publications, Book Chapters
Sandhu, P. (2016). Negative self-categorization, stance, affect, and affiliation in autobiographical storytelling. In M. T. Prior & G. Kasper (Eds.), Talking Emotion in  Multilingual Settings, (pp. 153-176). John Benjamins. (Series: Pragmatics and Beyond, edited by Anita Fetzer). Publications, Book Chapters
Sandhu, P. (2016). Professional Identity Constructions of Indian Women. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. (Series: Studies in Narrative, Series Editor: Michael Bamberg). Publications, Books
The Sound of Culture: Diaspora and Black Technopoetics (Wesleyan University Press, 2016). Publications, Books
Sandhu, P.  (2015). Stylizing voices, stances, and identities related to medium of education in India. Multilingua: Journal of Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Communication, 34(2): 211–235. Publications, Essays and Articles
Sandhu, P. (2015). Resisting linguistic marginalization in professional spaces: Constructing multi-layered oppositional stances. Applied Linguistics Review, 6(3), 369-391. Publications, Essays and Articles
“To Venture Outward: Sueyeun Juliette Lee’s ‘Korea’.” Arcade, Stanford University, August 2015. Web. Publications, Essays and Articles
Sandhu, P. (2014). The interactional and narrative construction of normative and resistant discourses about Hindi and English. Applied Linguistics, 35(1), 29-47. Publications, Essays and Articles
Sandhu, P. (2014). ‘Who does she think she is?’ Vernacular medium and failed romance. Journal of Language, Identity, and Education, 13(1), 16–33. Publications, Essays and Articles
Jesse Oak Taylor, "White Skin, White Masks: Joseph Conrad and the Masks of Imperial Manhood," Conradiana 44.2-3 (Winter 2012): 191-210. Publications, Essays and Articles
Monika Kaup. Neobaroque in the Americas: Alternative Modernities in Literature, Visual Art, and Film. U of Virginia P. 2012. Publications, Books
The Last Darky: Bert Williams, Black on Black Minstrelsy and the African Diaspora (Duke University Press). Publications, Books
The Last Darky: Bert Williams, Black on Black Minstrelsy and the African Diaspora (Duke University Press, 2006). Publications, Books
Laura Chrisman. Postcolonial Contraventions: Cultural Readings of Race, Imperialism and Transnationalism. Manchester University Press. 2003. Publications, Books
Laura Chrisman. Rereading the Imperial Romance: British Imperialism and South African Resistance in Haggard, Schreiner and Plaatje. Oxford University Press. 2000. Publications, Books
Anis Bawarshi and Stephanie Peklowski). “Postcolonialism and the Idea of a Writing Center.” The Writing Center Journal 19.2 (Spring/Summer 1999): 41-58. Publications, Essays and Articles