Edwards, J., & Walwema, J. (2022). Black Women Imagining and Realizing Liberated Futures. Technical Communication Quarterly, 31(3), 245–262. https://doi.org/10.1080/10572252.2022.2069289 |
Publications, Essays and Articles |
Rhetoric and Composition, Rhetorical Theory |
Wilson, J.A. & Portz, J.R. (2022). On the labor of writing transfer: Bodies and borderland discourses in translation. In K.P. Alexander, M. Davis, L.W. Mina, & R.P. Shepherd (Eds.), Multimodal composing and writing transfer. Logan, UT: Utah State UP. |
Publications, Book Chapters |
Decolonial, Genre Theory, Global English, Linguistics, Literacy, Rhetorical Theory, TESOL/Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, Translation and Interpretation, Transnational, Writing in the Disciplines |
Sumyat Thu, Katie Malcolm, Candice, Rai, and Anis Bawarshi. “Anti-Racist Translingual Praxis in Writing Ecologies.” Writing Across Difference: Theory and Intervention. Eds. James Rushing Daniel, Katie Malcolm, and Candice Rai. Utah State UP. 2022. |
Publications, Book Chapters |
Language Policy, Rhetoric and Composition, Rhetorical Theory |
Walwema, J., and Butts, J. Rhetorical Hedonism, Grey Genres, Good Fun: Technicalities Limits of Writing Playfully. Communication Design Quarterly |
Publications, Essays and Articles |
Rhetorical Theory |
Walwema, J. A Values-Driven approach to technical communication. Technical Communication. |
Publications, Book Chapters, Edited Collections, Essays and Articles, Reviews |
Rhetorical Theory |
Anis Bawarshi and Mary Jo Reiff. “’How to Turn Accumulated Knowledge into Action’: Uptake, Public Petitions, and the Climate Change Debate.” In Genres of the Climate Debate. Eds Sune Auken and Christel Sunesen. de Gruyter, 2021. 150-178. |
Publications, Book Chapters |
Environment, Genre Theory, Rhetorical Theory |
“Transdisciplinary Connections in Composition Studies and Technical and Professional Communication.” Special Issue of College English, co-edited with Laura Gonzales and Ann Shivers-McNair. Vol. 82, No. 5, May 2020. |
Publications, Edited Collections |
Rhetoric and Composition, Rhetorical Theory, Writing in the Disciplines, Writing Pedagogy |
Gottschalk Drushcke, Caroline and Candice Rai. "“Making Worlds with Cyborg Fish.” Tracing Rhetoric and Material Life: Ecological Appoaches. George F. McHendry, Jr., Justine Wells, Bridie McGreavy, and Samantha Senda-Cook, Eds. Palgrave Macmillian’s Studies in Media and Environmental Communication Series, 2018. |
Publications, Book Chapters |
Ecocriticism, Rhetorical Theory, Space/Place |
Rai, Candice and Caroline Gottschalk Druschke, Eds. Field Rhetoric: Ethnography, Ecology, and Engagement in the Places of Persuasion. University of Alabama UP, 2018. |
Publications, Edited Collections |
Research Methods, Rhetorical Theory, Space/Place |
Daniel, James Rushing. “Everybody Will be Hip and Rich: Neoliberal Discourse in Silicon Valley.” Present Tense: A Journal of Rhetoric in Society, vol. 6, no. 2, 2017. |
Publications, Essays and Articles |
Rhetorical Theory, Science and Technology |
Daniel, James Rushing. “The Event that We Are: Ontology, Rhetorical Agency, and Alain Badiou.” Philosophy & Rhetoric, vol. 49, no. 3, 2016, pp. 254-276. |
Publications, Essays and Articles |
Philosophy, Rhetorical Theory |
Rai, Candice. Democracy's Lot: Rhetoric, Publics, and the Places of Invention. University of Alabama Press, 2016. |
Publications, Books |
Publics/Public Spheres, Rhetorical Theory, Space/Place, Urban Studies, Visual Culture |
Rai, Candice. Democracy's Lot: Rhetoric, Publics, and The Places of Invention. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2016 |
Publications, Books |
Publics/Public Spheres, Research Methods, Rhetorical Theory, Space/Place, Urban Studies |
Anis Bawarshi. “Beyond the Genre Fixation: A Translingual Perspective on Genre.” College English 78.3 (Spring 2016): 243-249. |
Publications, Essays and Articles |
Genre Theory, Rhetoric and Composition, Rhetorical Theory, Writing Pedagogy, Writing Systems |
Anis Bawarshi. “Between Genres: Uptake, Memory, and U.S. Public Discourse on Israel-Palestine.” Genre and the Performance of Publics. Eds. Mary Jo Reiff and Anis Bawarshi. Logan: Utah State University Press/University of Colorado Press, 2016. 43-59. |
Publications, Book Chapters |
Discourse Analysis, Genre Theory, Publics/Public Spheres, Rhetoric and Composition, Rhetorical Theory |
Anis Bawarshi. “Accounting for Genre Performances: Why Uptake Matters.” Trends and Traditions in Genre Studies. Eds. Natasha Artemeva and Aviva Freedman. Edmonton, AB, Canada: Inkshed Publications, 2016 |
Publications, Book Chapters |
Genre Theory, Rhetoric and Composition, Rhetorical Theory, Writing Systems |
Mary Jo Reiff and Anis Bawarshi. Genre and the Performance of Publics. Logan: Utah State University Press/University of Colorado Press, 2016. |
Publications, Edited Collections |
Digital Literacy, Genre Theory, Literacy, New Media, Publics/Public Spheres, Rhetoric and Composition, Rhetorical Theory, Writing Systems |
Anis Bawarshi. “Discourse on the Israel-Palestine Conflict: Rhetorical Memory and Uptake.” Toward a Critical Rhetoric on the Israel-Palestine Conflict. Ed. Matthew Abraham. West Lafayette, Indiana: Parlor Press, 2015. 7-20. |
Publications, Book Chapters |
Discourse Analysis, Genre Theory, Political Science, Publics/Public Spheres, Race and Ethnicity, Rhetorical Theory |
Anis Bawarshi and Mary Jo Reiff. Genre: An Introduction to History, Theory, Research, and Pedagogy. West Lafayette, Indiana: Parlor Press and WAC Clearinghouse. 2010. |
Publications, Books |
Genre Theory, Research Methods, Rhetoric and Composition, Rhetorical Theory, Writing in the Disciplines, Writing Pedagogy |
Candice Rai. “Publics, Power and the Rhetorics of Democracy.” The Public Work of Rhetoric. University of South Carolina Press, 2010. |
Publications, Book Chapters |
Political Science, Publics/Public Spheres, Rhetoric and Composition, Rhetorical Theory, Space/Place, Urban Studies |
Anis Bawarshi. “Genres as Forms of In[ter]vention.” Originality, Imitation, Plagiarism: Teaching Writing in the Digital Age. Eds. Caroline Eisner and Martha Vicinus. U of Michigan P, 2008. 79-89. |
Publications, Book Chapters |
Genre Theory, Rhetoric and Composition, Rhetorical Theory |
Anis Bawarshi, Amy J. Devitt, and Mary Jo Reiff. Scenes of Writing: Strategies for Writing with Genres. Addison Wesley Longman. 2004. |
Publications, Books |
Education, Genre Theory, Pedagogy, Rhetoric and Composition, Rhetorical Theory, Writing Pedagogy |
Anis Bawarshi. “The Ecology of Genre.” Ecocomposition: Theoretical and Pedagogical Approaches. Eds. Sidney I. Dobrin and Christian R. Weisser. New York: State University of New York Press, 2001. 69-80. |
Publications, Book Chapters |
Environment, Genre Theory, Rhetoric and Composition, Rhetorical Theory |