
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Kir, F. S. (2024). Intersectionality of sexuality, ethnicity, and ‘(non-) native-speakerness’: a narrative inquiry of a gay Kurdish ESL teacher in Canada. Language and Education. 38(2). 237-250. Publications, Essays and Articles
Bou Ayash, Nancy and Carrie Kilfoil, eds. Translingual and Transnational Graduate Education in Rhetoric and Composition. Logan: Utah State University Press/University of Colorado Press, 2023. Publications, Edited Collections
Alan Williams. “Queering the Color Line within the Color Line: W. E. B. Du Bois and the Transwar Transpacific.” American Studies 61, no. 4 (2022): 31-63. Publications, Essays and Articles
Prihandita, Anselma Widha. “Translingualism and Transnationalism as Decolonial Recovery.” Translingual and Transnational Graduate Education in Rhetoric and Composition, edited by Nancy Bou Ayash and Carrie Byars Kilfoil , Utah State University Press, 2023. Publications, Book Chapters
Sánchez-Martín, Cristina. (2022). “The power of many” (Counter)stories: Materializing Spaces of Belonging for (Im)migrants in Rhetoric and Composition. Review Essay. College English, 85(2), 167-184. Publications, Reviews
Wilson, J.A. & Portz, J.R. (2022). On the labor of writing transfer: Bodies and borderland discourses in translation. In K.P. Alexander, M. Davis, L.W. Mina, & R.P. Shepherd (Eds.), Multimodal composing and writing transfer. Logan, UT: Utah State UP.  Publications, Book Chapters
“Frictions of Doing Transnational Composition Ethnography: Voices from Serbia,Lebanon, and the U.S.” Co-authored with Brook Schreiber. Teaching andStudying Transnational Composition. Eds Christiane Donahue and Bruce Horner.The Modern Language Association of America, in press. Publications, Book Chapters
Middlemarch in Melbourne.” Special Issue, Middlemarch at 150, George Eliot-George Henry Lewes Studies 73.2 (Fall 2021), 134-141. Publications, Essays and Articles
Sumyat Thu and Suhanthie Motha. “Transnational Agency: Enacting through Intersectionality and Transracialization.” Transnational Identities, Pedagogies, and Practices in English Language Teaching: Critical Inquiries from Diverse Practitioners. Multilingual Matters. 2021. Publications, Book Chapters
“Bhanu Kapil’s Schizophrene Poetics: Disability, Dispossession, and Diaspora,” Neocolonialism, Displacement, and Trauma: Engaged Criticism in Contemporary Literature, Ed. Kate Rose, Routledge Press, Feb 2020. (peer-reviewed). Publications, Book Chapters
Migration and Modernities: the state of being stateless, 1750-1850 (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2019) Publications, Edited Collections
Taranath, Anu. Beyond Guilt Trips: Mindful Travel in an Unequal World. (Between the Lines Press: Toronto), 2019.  Publications, Books
Bou Ayash, Nancy. Toward Translingual Realities in Composition: (Re)Working Local Language Representations and Practices. Logan: Utah State University Press, 2019. Publications, Books
Erik S. Roraback, The Power of the Impossible: On Community and the Creative Life (Winchester/Washington DC: Iff, 2018). Publications, Books
Sydney Janet Kaplan, "Katherine Mansfield's American Legacy," in Re-forming World Literature: Katherine Mansfield and the Modernist Short Story, Ibidem Press, 2018 Publications, Book Chapters
Erik S. Roraback, The Philosophical Baroque: On Autopoietic Modernities (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2017). Publications, Books
A Lesser Love (Louisiana State University Press, 2017). Publications, Books
Chadwick Allen. “Productive Tensions: Trans/national, Trans-/Indigenous.” The World, the Text, and the Indian: Global Dimensions of Native American Literature. Ed. Richard Scott Lyons. Albany: SUNY Press, 2017. Publications, Book Chapters
K. Merinda Simmons. Changing the Subject: Writing Women Across the African Diaspora for Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature 35.1. Publications, Reviews
Lin, Hsinmei. "Songs Yet to Be Sung: Walt Whitman and Taiwan's Yu Kwang-Chung."Walt Whitman Quarterly Review 32 (2015), 144-150. Publications, Essays and Articles
“Songs Yet to Be Sung: Walt Whitman and Taiwan’s Yu Kwang-Chung.” Walt Whitman Quarterly Review. 32 (2015): 144-150. Publications, Essays and Articles
“Songs Yet to Be Sung: Walt Whitman and Taiwan’s Yu Kwang-Chung.” Walt Whitman Quarterly Review. 32 (2015): 144-150.         Publications, Essays and Articles
“To Venture Outward: Sueyeun Juliette Lee’s ‘Korea’.” Arcade, Stanford University, August 2015. Web. Publications, Essays and Articles
Chadwick Allen. “A Transnational Native American Studies? Why Not Studies that are Trans-Indigenous?.” Journal of Transnational American Studies 4.1 (2012). Publications, Essays and Articles
Wilson, J.A. (In Press). Distributing the labor of translation in the context of graduate education in writing studies. In N. Bou Ayash and C.B. Kilfoil (Eds.), Translingual and transnational graduate education in rhetoric and composition. Boulder, CO: University of Colorado Press. Publications, Book Chapters