
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Lynch, R. and Motha, S. (2023). Epistemological entanglements: Decolonizing understandings of identity and knowledge in English language teaching. International Journal of Educational Research, 118, 102118–. Publications, Essays and Articles
Lamptey, L.O., & Dumavor, R. (2021). Writing in the West African Context. Composition Studies, 49(3), 133-138. Publications, Essays and Articles
The Cantos in a Quarter.” Approaches to Teaching Ezra Pound’s Poetry and Prose, ed. Demetres Tryphonopoulos and Ira Nadel. New York: Modern Language Association, 2021. 155-64. Publications, Book Chapters
“Crisis Pedagogy: Between COVID-19 and Police Violence.” University of Washington Simpson Center, Reimagining the Humanities PhD blog, 22 June 2020. Publications, Essays and Articles
Colette Moore and Chris C. Palmer, eds. 2019. Teaching the History of the English Language.  MLA Options in Teaching series. New York: Modern Language Association of America. Publications, Books
“Economies of Knowledge Transfer and the Use-Value of First-Year Composition.” Economies of Writing: Revaluations in Rhetoric and Composition. Eds. Bruce Horner, Brice Nordquist, and Susan M. Ryan. Logan: Utah State University Press/University of Colorado Press, 2017. 87-98. Publications, Book Chapters
Hardison, Brian Christopher. “Words, Meanings, and Readings: Reconstructing the Use of Gildas’s De Excidio Britanniae at the Canterbury School,” Viator 47.1 (2016) pp 1–22.  Publications, Essays and Articles
Gillis-Bridges, Kimberlee. “Designing and Assessing Hybrid Cinema Studies Courses.” Journal of Cinema Studies Teaching Dossier, vol. 3, no. 1, 23 Feb. 2015. Publications, Essays and Articles
Edelman, Rachel. "Implied Freedom: Adrienne Rich's Radical Writer/Teacher." The Critical Flame April 2015. web. Publications, Essays and Articles
Mary Jo Reiff, Anis Bawarshi, Michelle Ballif, and Christian Weisser, eds. Ecologies of Writing Programs: Profiles of Writing Programs in Context. West Lafayette, Indiana: Parlor Press, 2015. Publications, Edited Collections
Contexts for Inquiry: A Guide to Research and Writing at the University of Washington.  New York: Bedford St. Martin’s Custom Books, 2013.  (Co-edited with Amanda Hobmeier, Kirin-Wachter-Grene, Taylor Boulware, Lilly Campbell, Leaane Day, Kimberlee Gillis-Bridges, Jeffery Janosik) Publications, Textbooks
Angela Rounsaville, Rachel Goldberg, and Anis Bawarshi. “From Incomes to Outcomes: FYW Students’ Prior Genre Knowledge, Meta-Cognition, and the Question of Transfer.” WPA: Writing Program Administration 32.1 (Fall/Winter 2008): 97-112. Publications, Essays and Articles
Candice Rai. with Ann Feldman and Megan Marie. “Assessing Student Writing and Learning.” Making Writing Matter: Redesigning First Year Composition for the Engaged University. SUNY Press. 2008. Publications, Book Chapters
Leroy Searle. “Literature Departments and the Practice of Theory.” MLN 121 (2006), 1237-61. Publications, Essays and Articles
Candice Rai. with Ann Feldman. “The Impact of Partnership-Centered, Community-Based Learning on First-Year Students’ Academic Research Papers.” Michigan Journal of Community Service 13.1 (2006), 16-29. Publications, Essays and Articles
More Ways to Handle the Paper Load—on Paper and Online.  Ed. Jeffrey N Golub.  Urbana, IL: NCTE Press 2005.  117-121. Publications, Book Chapters
Juan Guerra and Anis Bawarshi. “Managing Transitions: Re-Orienting Perceptions in a Practicum Course.”  Don’t Call it That: The Composition Practicum.  Ed. Sidney I. Dobrin. NCTE, 2005.  43-66. Publications, Book Chapters
Anis Bawarshi, Amy J. Devitt, and Mary Jo Reiff. Scenes of Writing: Strategies for Writing with Genres. Addison Wesley Longman. 2004. Publications, Books
Sidney I. Dobrin and Anis Bawarshi. A Closer Look: The Writer’s Reader.  Boston: McGraw Hill, 2003.  Publications, Textbooks
Anis Bawarshi and Stephanie Peklowski). “Postcolonialism and the Idea of a Writing Center.” The Writing Center Journal 19.2 (Spring/Summer 1999): 41-58. Publications, Essays and Articles
Walwema, J., & Bay, J. (2024). The Rhetorical Function of Corporate DEI Reports. Business and Professional Communication Quarterly, 87(1), 34–59. Publications, Essays and Articles
"Teaching Public Activism in the Humanities: Navigating a Classroom Climate in Crisis.” Critical Animal Theory: Critical Theory, Social Construction, and Total Liberation. Lexington Books. 2021. Publications, Book Chapters