Kerschbaum, Stephanie L. Signs of Disability. New York University Press, 2022. |
Publications, Books |
Disability, Narrative Analysis, Race and Ethnicity, Research Methods, Rhetoric and Composition |
Taylor, Jesse Oak. A Great Fire Somewhere? Synchronous Living in Epochal Times, PMLA 136.3 (May 2021): 424-431 |
Publications, Articles |
19th Century, 21st Century, Ecocriticism, Research Methods |
“The Scale of Book History: Data, Distance, Description.” In The Oxford Handbook to the History of the Book in Early Modern England. Ed. Adam Smyth. Oxford University Press, 2021. |
Publications, Essays and Articles |
16th Century, 17th Century, Digital Humanities, Renaissance, Research Methods, Textual Studies |
“Institutional Forme” In The Unfinished Book. Ed. Alexandra Gillespie and Deidre Shauna Lynch. Oxford University Press, 2020. 246-59 |
Publications, Essays and Articles |
19th Century, Renaissance, Research Methods, Textual Studies |
Wilson, J.A. & Soblo, H. (2020). Transfer and transformation in multilingual student writing. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 44(1), 1-13. |
Publications, Essays and Articles |
Applied Linguistics, English, Genre Theory, Research Methods, Rhetoric and Composition, TESOL/Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages |
Sandhu, P. (2019). Constructing desirable brides: Membership categorization, medium of education and arranged marriages. Pragmatics and Society. Special Issue Edited by M. Prior and S. Talmy. |
Publications, Essays and Articles |
Discourse Analysis, English, Gender, Ideology, Language Policy, Narrative Analysis, Postcolonial, Research Methods, TESOL/Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages |
Saenkhum, T. & Wilson, J. A. (2019). Navigating administrator-researcher roles: Developing recruitment strategies for conducting programmatic assessment with diverse undergraduate and graduate writers. In Ruecker, T. and Svihla, V. (Eds.), Navigating challenges in qualitative educational research: Research interrupted. (pp. 51-61). London: Routledge. |
Publications, Book Chapters |
Language Policy, Multilingualism, Research Methods |
Rai, Candice and Caroline Gottschalk Druschke, Eds. Field Rhetoric: Ethnography, Ecology, and Engagement in the Places of Persuasion. University of Alabama UP, 2018. |
Publications, Edited Collections |
Research Methods, Rhetorical Theory, Space/Place |
“Economies of Scale: Shakespeare and Book History.” Literature Compass 14:6 (2017): doi: 10.1111/lic3.12393. |
Publications, Essays and Articles |
16th Century, 17th Century, Digital Humanities, Renaissance, Research Methods, Shakespeare |
Shivers-McNair, Ann. “3D Interviewing with Researcher POV Video: Bodies and Knowledge in the Making.” Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 21.2 (January 2017). Web. |
Publications, Essays and Articles |
Digital Humanities, New Media, Research Methods, Rhetoric and Composition |
Sandhu, P. (2016). Priti Sandhu’s vignette. In S. Mann, The Research Interview: Reflective Practice and Reflexivity in Research Processes, (pp. 139-143). Basingstoke, HA: Palgrave Macmillan. |
Publications, Book Chapters |
Discourse Analysis, Research Methods |
Sandhu, P. (2016). Negative self-categorization, stance, affect, and affiliation in autobiographical storytelling. In M. T. Prior & G. Kasper (Eds.), Talking Emotion in Multilingual Settings, (pp. 153-176). John Benjamins. (Series: Pragmatics and Beyond, edited by Anita Fetzer). |
Publications, Book Chapters |
Affect, Discourse Analysis, English, Ideology, Multilingualism, Narrative Analysis, Postcolonial, Research Methods, Second Language Acquisition, TESOL/Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages |
Sandhu, P. (2016). Professional Identity Constructions of Indian Women. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. (Series: Studies in Narrative, Series Editor: Michael Bamberg). |
Publications, Books |
Applied Linguistics, Discourse Analysis, English, Gender, Ideology, Language Policy, Narrative Analysis, Postcolonial, Research Methods |
Rai, Candice. Democracy's Lot: Rhetoric, Publics, and The Places of Invention. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2016 |
Publications, Books |
Publics/Public Spheres, Research Methods, Rhetorical Theory, Space/Place, Urban Studies |
“Organizing Manuscript and Print: From Compilatio to Compilation.” In The Medieval Manuscript Book: Cultural Approaches. Ed. Michael Johnston and Michael Van Dussen. Cambridge University Press, 2015. 77-95. |
Publications, Essays and Articles |
16th Century, 17th Century, Medieval, Renaissance, Research Methods, Textual Studies |
Higgins, C., & Sandhu, P. (2015). Researching identity through narrative approaches. In M. Bigelow and J. Enser-Kananen (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Educational Linguistics (pp. 50-61). London and New York: Routledge. |
Publications, Book Chapters |
Discourse Analysis, English, Narrative Analysis, Research Methods |
Anis Bawarshi. “Materiality.” Keywords in Writing Studies. Eds. Peter Vandenberg and Paul Heilker. Utah State UP, 2015. 108-113. |
Publications, Book Chapters |
Research Methods, Rhetoric and Composition |
Sandhu, P. (2014). The interactional and narrative construction of normative and resistant discourses about Hindi and English. Applied Linguistics, 35(1), 29-47. |
Publications, Essays and Articles |
Applied Linguistics, Discourse Analysis, English, Gender, Ideology, Language Policy, Narrative Analysis, Postcolonial, Research Methods |
Mary Jo Reiff and Anis Bawarshi. “Tracing Discursive Resources: How Students Use Prior Genre Knowledge to Negotiate New Writing Contexts in First-Year Composition.” Written Communication 28.3 (July 2011): 312-337. |
Publications, Essays and Articles |
Cognitive Science, Genre Theory, Research Methods, Rhetoric and Composition, Writing Pedagogy |
Anis Bawarshi and Mary Jo Reiff. Genre: An Introduction to History, Theory, Research, and Pedagogy. West Lafayette, Indiana: Parlor Press and WAC Clearinghouse. 2010. |
Publications, Books |
Genre Theory, Research Methods, Rhetoric and Composition, Rhetorical Theory, Writing in the Disciplines, Writing Pedagogy |
Angela Rounsaville, Rachel Goldberg, and Anis Bawarshi. “From Incomes to Outcomes: FYW Students’ Prior Genre Knowledge, Meta-Cognition, and the Question of Transfer.” WPA: Writing Program Administration 32.1 (Fall/Winter 2008): 97-112. |
Publications, Essays and Articles |
Education, Expository Writing, Pedagogy, Research Methods, Rhetoric and Composition, Writing Pedagogy |