
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Norman Wacker. “Ezra Pound and the Visual: Notations for New Subjects in The Cantos.” Image and Ideology. David Downing and Susan Bazargan Editors. SUNY at Albany Press. 1991, pp. 85-103. Publications, Book Chapters
Robert Abrams. “Image, Object, and Perception in Thoreau’s Landscapes: The Development of Anti-Geography.” Nineteenth-Century Literature 46 (September 1991), 245-262. Publications, Essays and Articles
Miceal Vaughan. “’Til I gan Awake’: The Conversion of Dreamer into Narrator in Piers Plowman B.” The Yearbook of Langland Studies 5 (1991), 175-92. Publications, Essays and Articles
George Dillon. Contending Rhetorics: Writing in Academic Disciplines. Indiana University Press. 1991. Publications, Books
Katherine Cummings. Telling Tales: The Hysteric’s Seduction in Fiction and Theory. Stanford Univ. Press. 1991. Publications, Books
Norman Wacker. “Mass Society/Mass Novel: the Politics of Representation in Don DeLillo’s Libra.” Works and Days 8.1 (1990), pp. 67-88. Publications, Essays and Articles
Kathleen Blake. Approaches to Teaching George Eliot’s Middlemarch (ed. with introduction, bibliographic essay). Modern Language Association. 1990. Publications, Books
Henry Staten. Nietzsche’s VoiceCornell University Press. Cornell University Press. 1990. Publications, Books
Sonenberg, Maya. Cartographies. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1989. Publications, Books
David Shields. Dead Languages: A Novel. Knopf. 1989. Publications, Books
David Bosworth. From My Father, Singing. Pushcart Press. 1989. Publications, Books
Edward Alexander. IRVING HOWE--SOCIALIST, CRITIC, JEW. 1988. Publications, Books
Chandan Reddy. “Home, Houses, Non-identity: Paris Is Burning.” Burning Down the House: Recycling Domesticity. Rosemary Marangoly George. Westview Press. 1988. Publications, Book Chapters
Joseph Butwin. “Tom McGrath’s Last Laugh.” North Dakota Quarterly 55, 1 (Winter 1987), 31-40. Publications, Essays and Articles
Jacobean and Caroline Revels Accounts, 1603-1642, Malone Society Collections XIII (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986)  Publications, Books
Edmond Tyllney Master of the Revels and Censor of Plays, A Descriptive Index  (New York; AMS Pres, 1986) Publications, Books
William Streitberger. Jacobean and Caroline Revels Accounts, 1603-1642. Malone Society Collections, XIII. Oxford University Press. 1986, reissued 1991. Publications, Books
Richard Kenney. Orrery. Atheneum. 1985. Publications, Books
Richard Kenney. The Evolution of the Flightless Bird. Yale University Press. 1984. Publications, Books
Henry Staten. Wittgenstein and Derrida. University of Nebraska Press. 1984. Publications, Books
Eric LaGuardia. “Bawdy Night.” Shakespeare Bulletin (July/August 1984), 15-19. Publications, Essays and Articles
Eric LaGuardia. “Priority and Deferral: The Text of Beyond the Pleasure Principle.” Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Thought 7 (1984), 269-288. Publications, Essays and Articles
David McCracken. Wordsworth and the Lake District. Oxford University Press. 1984. Publications, Books
David Shields. Heroes. Simon & Schuster. 1984. Publications, Books
Richard Dunn. Approaches to Teaching Dickens’s David Copperfield. MLA. (1984). Publications, Books