
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Laura Chrisman. Postcolonial Contraventions: Cultural Readings of Race, Imperialism and Transnationalism. Manchester University Press. 2003. Publications, Books
Raimonda Modiano. S.T. Coleridge. Poetry and Prose. Eds. Raimonda Modiano, Paul Magnuson and Nicholas Halmi. Norton Critical Edition. New York: W. W. Norton & Company. 2003. Publications, Books
Gillian Harkins, “Seduction by Law: Sexual Property and Testimonial Possession in Thereafter Johnnie” Discourse: Journal for Theoretical Studies in Media and Culture , Special Issue on Testimony, 25.1-2 (Winter 2003): 138-165. Publications, Essays and Articles
Richard Dunn. Wuthering Heights. 4th Norton Critical Edition. (2003). Publications, Books
Heather McHugh. Eyeshot. Wesleyan University Press. 2003. Publications, Books
Anis Bawarshi. Genre and the Invention of the Writer: Reconsidering the Place of Invention in Composition. Utah State Univ. Press. 2003. Publications, Books
Allen, Chadwick. Blood Narrative: Indigenous Identity in American Indian and Maori Literary and Activist Texts. Duke University Press, 2002. Publications, Books
Paul Remley. “Daniel and the Three Youths Fragment.” Anglo-Saxon England 31 (2002). Publications, Essays and Articles
Gail Stygall. Discourse Studies and Composition. Editor, with Ellen Barton. Hampton Press. 2002. Publications, Books
James Tollefson. “The language debates: Preparing for the war in Yugoslavia.” International Journal of the Sociology of Language 154, 2002, pp. 65-82. Publications, Essays and Articles
Norman Wacker. “Home and Away: Decentering and the City.” Arcade Art/Design in the Northwest: Image and Identity Vol. 21, Number One; Autumn 2002, p. 17-18. Publications, Essays and Articles
Monika Kaup. Mixing Race, Mixing Culture: Inter-American Literary Dialogues. Co-editor with Debra Rosenthal. U of Texas P. 2002. Publications, Books
Kathleen Woodward. “Against Wisdom: The Social Politics of Anger and Aging.” Cultural Critique 51 (Spring 2002): 186-218. Publications, Essays and Articles
Kathleen Woodward. “Traumatic Shame: Toni Morrison, Televisual Culture, and the Cultural Politics of the Emotions.” Cultural Critique 46 (Fall, 2002): 210-40. Publications, Essays and Articles
Kathleen Woodward. “Calculating Compassion.” Indiana Law Journal 77.2 (2002): 223-45. Publications, Essays and Articles
Kimberlee Gillis-Bridges. (entries in). The Bedford Bibliography for Teachers of Basic Writing. Linda Adler-Kassner and Gregory Glau, eds.. Bedford/St. Martin's. 2002. Publications, Book Chapters
Gillian Harkins, “Telling Fact from Fiction: Dorothy Allison's Disciplinary Stories” Incest and the Literary Imagination, Ed., Elizabeth Barnes (Gainesville: Florida University Press, 2002): 283-315. Publications, Essays and Articles
Edward Alexander. CLASSICAL LIBERALISM AND THE JEWISH TRADITION. 2002. Publications, Books
David Shields. Enough About You: Adventures in Autobiography. Simon & Schuster. 2002. Publications, Books
George Dillon. “The Semiotic Art of Web Sitemaps.” Discourse Studies in Composition. Ellen Barton and Gail Stygall, eds.. Hampton Press. 2002. Publications, Book Chapters
Carolyn Allen. Gender, Politics and Islam. Ed. With Therese Saliba and Judith Howard, University of Chicago Press. SIGNS: Journal of Women in Culture and Society. (2002). Publications, Books
Alys Eve Weinbaum. “Ways of Not Seeing: Engendering Modernity’s Optics in Baudelaire, Benjamin, Freud and Masereel.” D. Kazanjian and D. Eng, eds. Loss: The Politics of Mourning.   Publications, Book Chapters
Catherine M. Cole, Ghana's Concert Party Theatre, Indiana University Press, 2001.  Publications, Books
Drama, Classical to Contemporary, revised edition (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2001) Publications, Books
Anis Bawarshi. “The Ecology of Genre.”  Ecocomposition: Theoretical and Pedagogical Approaches. Eds. Sidney I. Dobrin and Christian R. Weisser.  New York: State University of New York Press, 2001.  69-80.  Publications, Book Chapters