“A Transdisciplinary Approach to Writing Knowledge Transfer: Applications in Teaching and Research.” Review of Writing Knowledge Transfer: Theory, Research, and Pedagogy written by Rebecca Nowacek, Rebecca Lorimer Leonard, and Angela Rounsaville. WPA: Writing Program Administration, vol. 48, no. 1, 2024, pp. 130–137. |
Publications, Reviews |
Education, Pedagogy, Rhetoric and Composition, Writing in the Disciplines, Writing Pedagogy |
Kir, F. S. (2024). English-medium instruction (EMI) as the great (un)equaliser: experiences of former EMI students in Turkey. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. https://doi.org/10.1080/01434632.2024.2302950 |
Publications, Essays and Articles |
Applied Linguistics, Education, Global English, Language Pedagogy, Language Policy, Second Language Acquisition, TESOL/Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages |
Kir, F. S. (2024). Intersectionality of sexuality, ethnicity, and ‘(non-) native-speakerness’: a narrative inquiry of a gay Kurdish ESL teacher in Canada. Language and Education. 38(2). 237-250. https://doi.org/10.1080/09500782.2023.2221223 |
Publications, Essays and Articles |
Applied Linguistics, Canadian, Education, Multilingualism, Postcolonial, Queer Studies, Race and Ethnicity, Sexuality, TESOL/Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, Transnational |
Lynch, R. and Motha, S. (2023). Epistemological entanglements: Decolonizing understandings of identity and knowledge in English language teaching. International Journal of Educational Research, 118, 102118–. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijer.2022.102118 |
Publications, Essays and Articles |
African, Decolonial, Education, Pedagogy, Race and Ethnicity, TESOL/Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages |
Edelman, Rachel. "Implied Freedom: Adrienne Rich's Radical Writer/Teacher." The Critical Flame April 2015. web. |
Publications, Essays and Articles |
American, Education, English, Expository Writing, Feminism and Feminist Theory, Multilingualism, Pedagogy, Poetry and Poetics, Political Science, TESOL/Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages |
Gillian Harkins, Mary Gould, and Kyes Stevens, “College Civic Engagement and Education Behind Bars: Connecting Communities, Creating Change,” Special Issue: “Bringing College Education into Prisons ” New Directions for Community Colleges, Eds. Rob Scott and Susan Walker (Wiley Periodicals, Inc, 2015): 101-109. |
Publications, Essays and Articles |
Education |
Ottinger, Aaron. “Geometry, the Body, and Affect in Wordsworth&Apos;s The Ruined Cottage.” Essays in Romanticism, vol. 21, no. 2, 2014, pp. 159–178. |
Publications, Essays and Articles |
18th Century, Affect, British, Education, Romanticism, Science and Technology |
Yan, W. (2014) IELTS Speaking (Chinese edition). Foreign Lanaguage and Study Press. Beijing. |
Publications, Textbooks |
Education, TESOL/Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages |
Gillian Harkins and Erica Meiners, “Beyond Crisis: College in Prison through the Abolition Undercommons,” “Theory” section of Lateral: Cultural Studies Association Journal (Spring 2014): online. |
Publications, Essays and Articles |
Education |
Contexts for Inquiry: A Guide to Research and Writing at the University of Washington. New York: Bedford St. Martin’s Custom Books, 2013. (Co-edited with Amanda Hobmeier, Kirin-Wachter-Grene, Taylor Boulware, Lilly Campbell, Leaane Day, Kimberlee Gillis-Bridges, Jeffery Janosik) |
Publications, Textbooks |
Education, Literacy, Pedagogy, Rhetoric and Composition, Writing Pedagogy |
Gillian Harkins, “Access or Justice? Inside-Out and Transformative Education,” Turning Teaching Inside Out: A Pedagogy of Transformation for Community-Based Education , Eds. Simone Davis and Barbara Roswell (Palgrave, December 2013): 187-196. |
Publications, Essays and Articles |
Education |
Gillian Harkins and Kate Drabinski, “Teaching Inside Carceral Institutions,” Special Issue of Radical Teacher 95 (Winter 2012). |
Publications, Edited Collections |
Education |
Angela Rounsaville, Rachel Goldberg, and Anis Bawarshi. “From Incomes to Outcomes: FYW Students’ Prior Genre Knowledge, Meta-Cognition, and the Question of Transfer.” WPA: Writing Program Administration 32.1 (Fall/Winter 2008): 97-112. |
Publications, Essays and Articles |
Education, Expository Writing, Pedagogy, Research Methods, Rhetoric and Composition, Writing Pedagogy |
Candice Rai. with Ann Feldman and Megan Marie. “Assessing Student Writing and Learning.” Making Writing Matter: Redesigning First Year Composition for the Engaged University. SUNY Press. 2008. |
Publications, Book Chapters |
Education, Pedagogy, Writing Pedagogy |
Leroy Searle. “Literature Departments and the Practice of Theory.” MLN 121 (2006), 1237-61. |
Publications, Essays and Articles |
Education, Pedagogy |
Candice Rai. with Ann Feldman. “The Impact of Partnership-Centered, Community-Based Learning on First-Year Students’ Academic Research Papers.” Michigan Journal of Community Service 13.1 (2006), 16-29. |
Publications, Essays and Articles |
Education, Pedagogy, Community, Writing Pedagogy |
Juan Guerra and Anis Bawarshi. “Managing Transitions: Re-Orienting Perceptions in a Practicum Course.” Don’t Call it That: The Composition Practicum. Ed. Sidney I. Dobrin. NCTE, 2005. 43-66. |
Publications, Book Chapters |
Education, Pedagogy, Rhetoric and Composition, Writing Pedagogy |
Anis Bawarshi, Amy J. Devitt, and Mary Jo Reiff. Scenes of Writing: Strategies for Writing with Genres. Addison Wesley Longman. 2004. |
Publications, Books |
Education, Genre Theory, Pedagogy, Rhetoric and Composition, Rhetorical Theory, Writing Pedagogy |
Anis Bawarshi and Stephanie Peklowski). “Postcolonialism and the Idea of a Writing Center.” The Writing Center Journal 19.2 (Spring/Summer 1999): 41-58. |
Publications, Essays and Articles |
Education, Pedagogy, Postcolonial, Writing Pedagogy, Writing Systems |
John Webster. “Challenging the Commonplace: Teaching as Conversation in Spenser’s Legend of Temperance.” Approaches to Teaching The Faerie Queene. David L. Miller, ed. MLA. 1994, 82-92. |
Publications, Book Chapters |
16th Century, Poetry and Poetics, Education |
Richard Dunn. Approaches to Teaching Dickens’s David Copperfield. MLA. (1984). |
Publications, Books |
Literature, Education |