
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Emma Aylor, "Hay Moon," "Dear one," "Long night's," "Frost Moon," and "Our Lady of the Blue Ridge" (Ghost Proposal, 2018) Publications, Short Stories and Poems
Taylor, Jesse Oak. "Wilderness After Nature: Conrad, Empire, and the Anthropocene" in Lissa Scheider Rebozo, Jefferey Mathes McCarthey, and John G. Peters, Eds., Conrad and Nature (London: Routledge, 2018).  Publications, Book Chapters
Taylor, Jesse Oak. "Mourning Spcies: In Memoriam in an Age of Extinction" in Nathan K. Hensley and Philip Steer, Eds., Ecological Form: System and Aesthetics in the Age of Empire (New York: Fordham University Press, 2018), 42-62. Publications, Book Chapters
“‘A Debt is Just the Perversion of a Promise’: Composition and the Student Loan.” College Composition and Communication, vol. 70, no. 2, 2018, pp. 195-221. Publications, Essays and Articles
Emma Aylor, "List of unlucky symbols" and "North Hills" (Sugar House Review, spring/summer 2018) Publications, Short Stories and Poems
Sydney Janet Kaplan, "Katherine Mansfield's American Legacy," in Re-forming World Literature: Katherine Mansfield and the Modernist Short Story, Ibidem Press, 2018 Publications, Book Chapters
"Give Them What They Want: Populist Rhetoric in Conceptual Art and Writing.” Postscript: Writing after Conceptual Art, ed. Andrea Andersson. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2018. 152-67. Publications, Book Chapters
Kim, Ungsan. "The Critical Social Turn of Queer Korean Cinema: Hospitality and the Temporal Economy of Queer Kinship in The Bacchus Lady (2016)." Korea Journal 58.2 (2018): 88-112. Publications, Essays and Articles
Jaccard, Erik. "His Fable, Right or Left: Orwell, Animal Farm, and the Politics of Critical Reception." Critical Insights: Animal FarmEd. Thomas Horan. Salem Press, 2018. 3-17. Publications, Book Chapters
Kaelie Giffel, "Historical Violence and Modernist Forms in Zoë Wicomb's David's Story," Twentieth-Century Literature, 64.1 (March 2018): 53-78. Publications, Essays and Articles
Jesse Oak Taylor, "The Novel After Nature, Nature After the Novel: Richard Jefferies's Anthropocene Romance," Studies in the Novel 50.1 (Spring 2018): 108-133. Publications, Essays and Articles
"On the Road, Between Tocqueville and Baudrillard: Re-Evaluating an American Cultural Ideal.” ESQ 64.1 Publications, Essays and Articles
Dr. Satan's Echo Chamber: Essays in Dub (forthcoming, Wesleyan University Press) Publications, Books
Ishii, Douglas S.  “Diversity Times Three’: The Modern Family Effect and the Privatization of Diversity.”  Camera Obscura: Feminism, Culture, and Media Studies 32.3 (2017): 33-61. Publications, Essays and Articles
Gillian Harkins, “Adolescent Agencies in the Age of Consent,” Review of Joseph J. Fischel, Sex and Harm in the Age of Consent(Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 2016) for GLQ: Gay and Lesbian Quarterly (2017): 378-381. Publications, Reviews
Karki, J. (2018). Is English Medium Instruction Working? A Case Study of Nepalese Community Schools in Mt. Everest Region. In English Language Teaching in Nepal: Research, Reflection and Practice (pp. 203–216). British Council. Publications, Book Chapters
Erik S. Roraback, The Philosophical Baroque: On Autopoietic Modernities (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2017). Publications, Books
Kerschbaum, Stephanie, Laura T. Eisenman and James M. Jones, eds. Negotiating Disability: Disclosure and Higher Education. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2017. Publications, Books
“Sherwin Bitsui’s Blank Dictionary: Navajo Poetics and Non-Indigenous Readers.” The Fate of Difficulty in the Poetry of Our Time, ed. Charles Altieri and Nicholas Nace. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2017. 189-99. Publications, Book Chapters
“Economies of Scale: Shakespeare and Book History.” Literature Compass 14:6 (2017): doi: 10.1111/lic3.12393. Publications, Essays and Articles
“Economies of Knowledge Transfer and the Use-Value of First-Year Composition.” Economies of Writing: Revaluations in Rhetoric and Composition. Eds. Bruce Horner, Brice Nordquist, and Susan M. Ryan. Logan: Utah State University Press/University of Colorado Press, 2017. 87-98. Publications, Book Chapters
“Racial Microbiopolitics: Flint Lead Poisoning, Detroit Water Shut Offs, and The “Matter” of Enfleshment,” The Comparatist. vol. 41, 2017, pp. 19–40. (peer-reviewed). Publications, Essays and Articles
Alys Eve Weinbaum. “The Modern Girl Around the World and Transnational Feminist Methodology.” Co-authored with Priti Ramamurthy.  Special Issue in English/Turkish.  Modus Operandi:  Journal of Relational Social Sciences (Spring, 2017). Publications, Essays and Articles
Reed, Brian. “Sherwin Bitsui’s Blank Dictionary: Navajo Poetics and Non-Indigenous Readers.” The Fate of Difficulty in the Poetry of Our Time, ed. Charles Altieri and Nicholas Nace. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2017. 189-99. Publications, Book Chapters
“Visual Poetry and the Poetics of Data Visualization.” Journal of English Language and Literature 63.4 (2017): 659-74. Publications, Essays and Articles