
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Alexander, Edward. Jews against Themselves. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Transaction, 2015. Publications, Books
Jesse Oak Taylor, "Where is Victorian Ecocriticism?" Victorian Literature and Culture 43 (2015): 877-894. Publications, Essays and Articles
Denis Johnson's Train Dreams. Working USA: The Journal of Labor and Society 18.1 (2015). Publications, Reviews
Jacques Ranciére's The Intervals of Cinema. InVisible Culture (2015). Publications, Reviews
Alan Williams. “Rethinking Yaoi on the Regional and Global Scale.” Intersections: Gender and Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific 37 (March 2015). Publications, Essays and Articles
Edelman, Rachel. "Implied Freedom: Adrienne Rich's Radical Writer/Teacher." The Critical Flame April 2015. web. Publications, Essays and Articles
"From Enjoyment to Refusal: Marcuse, Psychoanalysis, and the Condition of Affluent Capitalism." The Comparatist 39 (2015). Publications, Essays and Articles
"An Examination of Nuclear Power in DeLillo's Underworld: Waste, the Bomb, and Surplus-Value." In Energy in Literature (ed. Paula Farca). TrueHeart Academic (2015). Publications, Book Chapters
Edelman, Rachel. "Potential Energy." TYPO 22 March 2015. web. Publications, Short Stories and Poems
Edelman, Rachel. "For We Were Slaves." Day One 23 December 2015. ebook. Publications, Short Stories and Poems
Habiba Ibrahim. "The Time of the Multiracial," American Literary History 27.3 (2015), 549-556.  Publications, Essays and Articles
Anis Bawarshi. “Discourse on the Israel-Palestine Conflict: Rhetorical Memory and Uptake.” Toward a Critical Rhetoric on the Israel-Palestine Conflict. Ed. Matthew Abraham. West Lafayette, Indiana: Parlor Press, 2015. 7-20. Publications, Book Chapters
Anis Bawarshi. “Materiality.” Keywords in Writing Studies. Eds. Peter Vandenberg and Paul Heilker. Utah State UP, 2015. 108-113. Publications, Book Chapters
Mary Jo Reiff, Anis Bawarshi, Michelle Ballif, and Christian Weisser, eds. Ecologies of Writing Programs: Profiles of Writing Programs in Context. West Lafayette, Indiana: Parlor Press, 2015. Publications, Edited Collections
“The Shine and the Shadow: John Tranter Re-Views John Ashbery.” Recovery and Transgression: Memory in American Poetry, ed. Kornelia Freitag. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2015. 139-56. Publications, Book Chapters
“Somewhere Bluebirds Fly: Jackson Mac Low Directs a Poetry Reading.” Amodern no. 4 (Spring 2015). Web. Publications, Essays and Articles
“To Venture Outward: Sueyeun Juliette Lee’s ‘Korea’.” Arcade, Stanford University, August 2015. Web. Publications, Essays and Articles
“On Mary Ellen Solt’s ‘Forsythia.’” Coldfront. 9 November 2015. Web. Publications, Essays and Articles
"The Dramatic Monologue."  The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Victorian Literature, eds.  Dino Felluga, Pamela Gilbert, and Linda K. Hughes.  Blackwell/Wiley, 2015: 474-479. Publications, Essays and Articles
"Victorian Poetry and Form."  Victorian Literature: Criticism and Debates, eds. Lee Behlman and Anne Longmuir.  Routledge, 2015: 37-46. Publications, Essays and Articles
“Atheist Prophecy: Mathilde Blind, Constance Naden, and the Victorian Poetess,”  reprinted in Victorian Literature: Criticism and Debates, eds. Lee Behlman and Anne Longmuir.  Routledge, 2015: 67-74.  Publications, Essays and Articles
 Bou Ayash, Nancy. “(Re)situating U.S. Composition in Cross-National and Cross-Linguistic Perspectives.” Transnational Writing Program Administration. Ed. David Martins. Logan, UT: Utah State University Press, 2015. 226-242. Print. Publications, Book Chapters
Henry Staten. The Craft of Poetry: Dialogues on Minimal Interpretation. Co-authored with Derek Attridge. Routledge. 2015. Publications, Books
Gillian Harkins, “Sisters at the Gate: Mean Girls and Other Sibling Phenomena,” Juliet Mitchell: Reflections, Eds. Robbie Duschinsky and Susan Walker (Palgrave-MacMillan, 2015): 229-254. Publications, Essays and Articles
Gillian Harkins, Mary Gould, and Kyes Stevens, “College Civic Engagement and Education Behind Bars: Connecting Communities, Creating Change,” Special Issue: “Bringing College Education into Prisons ” New Directions for Community Colleges, Eds. Rob Scott and Susan Walker (Wiley Periodicals, Inc, 2015): 101-109. Publications, Essays and Articles