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For general information about research opportunities, see our Humanities Research page.
For examples of specific project types, see Independent Research, Honors Theses., or Undergraduate Research Symposia.

  • Robin Jeffrey
  • Samuel Pizelo
  • Danielle VonLehe
  • Noah Lee-Engel
  • Alexei Rasputin
  • Alejandro Guardado
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Jessica Jungwirth, "Tutors as Participant Researchers: How English Language Learners (ELLs) Taught Us Better Ways to Support Writing and Learning," 2011. Undergraduate, Symposia Pedagogy
Kenneth Yuen, "Meaning, Metaphor, and Linguistic Indeterminacy," 2011. Undergraduate, Symposia Linguistics
Anne-Cecile (Lorelai) Germain, "The Controversy of the Tea Party in Contemporary American Culture in Light of Dissent Theories of Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn," 2011. Undergraduate, Symposia American
Jonathan Armoza, "From France to Arcadia to Louisiana: An Examination of 'Civilizing Discourse' and Materialism in Acadian-Cajun Folk Tales," 2011. Undergraduate, Symposia Comparative Literature
Student Research Profile: Jessica Jungwirth Undergraduate, Independent Research Anthropology, Culture, Global Studies, Language Pedagogy, Multilingualism, Rhetoric and Composition, Writing Pedagogy
Student Research Profile: Robin Jeffrey Undergraduate, Independent Research Feminism and Feminist Theory, Film/Cinema, Gender, Science and Technology, Science Fiction
Student Research Profile: Jonathan Armoza Undergraduate, Independent Research 19th Century, American, Diaspora Studies, Digital Humanities, History, Literary Criticism
Ella (Sonja) West, "An Analysis of First Person Narratives by Women Political Prisoners in Apartheid South Africa," 2010. Undergraduate, Symposia African, Women Writers
Rebecca Mark, "Trans(form)ative Language: Asian American Poetry and Racial Difference," 2010. Undergraduate, Symposia Race and Ethnicity, Asian American, Language, Poetry and Poetics
Martha Flores-Perez, "ELL Endorsement: Teaching Multilingual Students," 2010. Undergraduate, Symposia Multilingualism, Pedagogy
Brandon Weaver, "No Pain No Gain; Violence and a Critique of American Identity in Contemporary Cinematic Incarnations of the Western," 2010. Undergraduate, Symposia American, Film/Cinema
"Alexei Rasputin" Undergraduate, Independent Research 16th Century

